Agenda item

Red Lodge, Haxby Road, York (15/00758/FULM)

Erection of 129 Extra Care Apartments (Class C3B) and 44 Care Suites (Class C2) and play area following demolition of Red Lodge, former library and tennis clubhouse buildings, external alterations to Folk Hall, construction of multi-use games area on recreation ground. [Huntington/New Earswick Ward]  


Members considered a major full application by the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust for the erection of 129 extra care apartments (class C3B) and 44 care suites (class C2) and play area following demolition of Red Lodge, former library and tennis clubhouse buildings, external alterations to the Folk Hall and the construction of multi-use games area on the recreation ground.


Officers advised that, for the avoidance of doubt it was recommended Condition 2 included a comprehensive list of plan references (listed below).


They advised that since the committee report had been written, the balance of the proposed accommodation had been further clarified and that paragraph 4.26 should be amended to read that  it was proposed that nomination rights would be given to the Council in respect of 30% of the extra care housing and would be secured as affordable social rented dwellings within Use Class C3(b) on site by means of a Section 106 Agreement. This requirement was necessary  to make the development acceptable in planning terms, and ensure that the S106 agreement met the CIL Regulation requirements, and could be a reason for granting planning permission.  A total of 105 Extra Care  Apartments (Use Class C3b), (of which 28 will be “Adaptable Flats”)  were now proposed with 44 Care Suites (Use Class C2) and two Respite Care Suites (Use Class C2).


They advised that the applicant had also recently provided drawings identifying those C3(b) units that would be “Adaptable Flats”, that could switch between C3(b) and three C2 Care Suites, depending upon the care needs of the occupants. Provided the ability to switch between these uses was restricted to the units shown on Drawings AA4761/2090,  AA4761/2091, and AA4761/2092, dated 13th July 2016 a condition could be imposed that permitted such a change without planning permission and Officers therefore sought authority to draft an appropriate condition to achieve this.


Officers advised that there were sufficient non-adaptable C3(b) Units to enable 30% of the affordable units to be identified and secured through a S106 agreement and to enable this, the recommendation should be amended accordingly.


Mr Shaun Rafferty, Strategic Director of Communities for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, addressed the committee. He advised the committee that the proposed redevelopment of Red Lodge would provide the basis for a new vibrant centre for village life and would integrate people into village life. The proposed building would increase the amount of affordable high quality care provision in the city and could be reconfigured in the future to meet the changing needs of residents The proposals would also include the revival and improvement of community facilities in the village.


Members expressed their support for the scheme. Some concern was raised with regard to massing with a lot of development in one area of New Earswick and the possible effect on a row of shops further up the road and the loss of informal open space. However they agreed that the proposals would address a need for affordable high quality housing for older people in York which would in turn free up larger houses for families. They agreed that it would improve community cohesion and would provide an inclusive place for citizens to live.


Members agreed that the landscaping condition should be amended to refer to the lifetime of the development in relation to replacement planting.


Resolved:  That delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director of Planning and Regeneration to APPROVE the application subject to:


(i) Satisfactory completion of a S106 Agreement to

·        define and secure 30% affordable extra care C3(b) residential units within the residential apartment buildings in line with the requirements of the Adopted Interim Policy on Affordable Housing, and

·        link the provision of replacement tennis facilities and works to the Folk Hall to the provision of the care home and residential extra care units, and

(ii) Suitably worded conditions to enable those “Adaptable Flats” shown on Drawings AA4761/2090,  AA4761/2091, and AA4761/2092, dated 13th July 2016 to change use between C3(b) and C2 uses without the need for express planning permission, and amendments to proposed Condition 37 to ensure that the development is occupied only by persons aged over 55 and in need of defined care (and their spouse/partner)


(iii) the other conditions set out in the report, the amendment to condition 6 to refer to the “lifetime of the development” for the replacement of planting and the amended condition 2 below:


Amended Condition 2

The development herby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:

AA4761/2030/D;AA4761/2031C;AA4761/2040D;AA4761/2041B;AA4761/2045B;AA4761/2050A;AA4761/2051A; AA4761/2060G; AA4761/2061D;AA4761/2062F;AA4761/ 2063C; AA4761/2066E; AA4761/2067E;AA4761/2068C;AA4761/2069;AA4761/2070;G3869-401  and 402 C; AA4761/2080A; AA4761/2081A; AA4761/2082A; AA4761/2083A; 10752-135; AA4761/2000A; AA4761/2001C;AA4761/2004B;AA4761/2005B; AA4761/2006B; AA4761/2007B;AA4761/2010F; AA4761/2011F; AA4761/2012E; AA4761/2013C;AA4761/2014B;AA4761/2015B; AA4761/2016B; AA4761/2020E and AA4761/2021B.


Reason:     The proposal, as amended, would fulfil the statutory tests within Sections 66 and 72 of the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act of preserving and enhancing the Conservation Area in respect of both the new built development and the relocation of the MUGA as well as safeguarding the character and setting of the Listed Folk Hall building. A substantial public benefit arising from the wider proposal can also be demonstrated in each case to justify the less than substantial harm that would be caused by the development in respect of paragraph 134 of the NPPF. At the same time the residential amenity of the adjacent properties to the north and west would similarly be safeguarded. 

Supporting documents:


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