Agenda item

Report of Executive Leader and Executive Recommendations and Questions

To receive and consider a written report from the Leader and, to answer questions on the work of the Executive, and the Executive recommendations for approval, as set out below:


































19 May 2016










30 June 2016














14 July 2016




Minute 153: Delivery of Community Facilities at the Burnholme Health and Wellbeing Campus



Minute 16: Capital Programme Outturn 2015/16 and Revisions to the 2016/17 – 2020/21 Programme


Minute 17: Financial Strategy Update 2016/17 to 2020/21


Minute 29: Demonstrating Progress on the Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme (to follow)


Minute 28: Children and Young People in Care: York’s New Strategy 2016-2020 (to follow)




A.   Executive Leader’s Report


A written report was received from the Executive Leader, Cllr Carr on the work of the Executive.


Members were then invited to question Cllr Carr on his report and questions were received from the floor from the following Members in relation to the subjects listed:


·        Cllr Galvin – comparisons between the new draft Local Plan and the previous version in respect of the percentage of housing development on greenbelt land.

·        Cllr Kramm – the reduction in the number of houses in the new draft Local Plan and the shift in planned developments in York outer and York Central wards.

·        Cllr Reid – whether 800 houses a year could be delivered.

·        Cllr Doughty – the implications of the outcome of the referendum, including any concerns raised by York businesses regarding their trading position or concerns about inward investment.

·        Cllr S Barnes – the Executive Leader’s views on access to the single market and freedom of movement.

·        Cllr Gunnell – the Hate Crime Strategy.

·        Cllr Cuthbertson – concerns identified during the consultation regarding York Central.


Cllr Carr responded directly to the questions put to him but agreed to respond in more detail in writing to Councillor Kramm’s question.


B       Executive Recommendations


Delivery of Community Facilities at the Burnholme Health and Wellbeing Campus


Cllr Carr moved, and Cllr Aspden seconded the following recommendation contained in Minute 153 of the Executive meeting held on 19 May 2016:


Recommended:           That Executive recommend that the estimated £981,000 of costs for the enabling works and the access road needed to facilitate the development of the Care Home are added to the Capital Programme with the costs initially being funded from capital held for the use of the Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme and subsequently being paid back from the capital receipt received from the disposal of development land on the Site. 1.

Reason:              To progress to delivering the Burnholme Health & Wellbeing Campus including the delivery of a Care Home as part of the Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme.

On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved:   That the above recommendation in respect of the delivery of community facilities at the Burnholme Health and Wellbeing Campus be approved.


Capital Programme Outturn 2015/16 and Revisions to the 2016/17 – 2020/21 Programme


Cllr Carr moved, and Cllr Aspden seconded the following recommendation contained in Minute 16 of the Executive meeting held on 30 June 2016:


Recommended: That Council agree the restated 2016/17 to 2020/21 programme of £221.594m as summarised in Table 3 and detailed in Annex A of the report. 1.


Reason:              To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved:  That the above recommendation in respect of the Capital Programme Outturn 2015/16 and revisions to the 2016/17 – 2020/21 programme be approved.


Financial Strategy Update 2016/17 to 2020/21


Cllr Carr moved, and Cllr Aspden seconded the following recommendation contained in Minute 17 of the Executive meeting held on 30 June 2016:


Recommended:  That Council agree the adoption of the Efficiency Plan 2016/17 to 2019/20 as set out in Annex 1 of the report.

Reason:              In order to achieve the proposed savings and efficiencies set out in the Council’s Financial Strategy and Efficiency Plan and protect priority areas and key statutory safeguarding services.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved:  That the above recommendation in respect of the Efficiency Plan 2016/17 to 2019/20  be approved.


Demonstrating Progress on the Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme


Cllr Carr moved, and Cllr Aspden seconded the following recommendation contained in Minute 29 of the Executive meeting held on 14 July 2016:


Recommended: That, in respect of Haxby Hall, provision of up to £600,000 be made within the Capital Programme to meet the acquisition and legal costs as well as to fund demolition, enabling and related works, drawing upon capital held for the use of the Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme.


Reason:              To allow the development of options for the future of Haxby Hall as part of the Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved:  That the above recommendation in respect of Haxby Hall be approved.


Children and Young People in Care: York’s New Strategy 2016-2020


Cllr Carr moved, and Cllr Aspden seconded the following recommendation contained in Minute 28 of the Executive meeting held on 14 July 2016:


Recommended:(i)      That Council endorse the Children in Care

                                      Strategy 2016-2020 (Annex 1 of the report).


                             (ii)      That Council note the introduction of new

strategic partnership arrangements and strengthened leadership to ensure the progress and delivery of the strategy be noted.


Reason:              To endorse the new children in care strategy.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved:  That the above recommendation in respect of the endorsement of the Children in Care Strategy be approved.


Supporting documents:


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