Agenda item

Attendance of Executive Member for Economic Development and Community Engagement

The Executive Member for Economic Development and Community Engagement has been invited to attend the meeting to outline his priorities and challenges for 2016-17.


The Executive Member for Economic Development and Community Engagement had been invited to attend the meeting to outline his priorities and challenges for 2016-17.


Councillor Aspden was questioned on the following issues:


·        Referring to the references in the report to FERA, the Executive Member was asked how much of the European funding was secure in view of the outcome of the recent referendum.  He stated that briefings were being held on this issue and there may be a need to look at the implications in a cross-party way.  Officers stated that it was their understanding that funding that had already been committed was secure but the situation in respect of bids was less certain.  Members agreed that, when the situation became clearer, the committee would wish to consider the impact on investment in projects such as York Central.

·        Discussion took place regarding the changing character of the city centre, with an increasing number of premises becoming eating or drinking establishments rather than retail.  Members noted that York remained a destination for shopping and that many visitors were looking for a leisure/shopping experience.  Market forces largely determined the mix of premises within the city centre and the ability of the Council to influence this was limited. The Council was, however, continuing to work with the Business Improvement District and the business community.  Referring to the possibility of the BHS premises becoming vacant, officers outlined the action that was being taken to ascertain ownership of this building. 

·        The Executive Member was asked what action was being taken to encourage new start up businesses and to recognise the contribution that small independent traders and the gig economy made to the city.  The Executive Member stated that although he was keen to attract high paid jobs to the city, he also recognised the contribution made by other sectors and wanted to protect the mix of businesses.  Make it York was working with local businesses to promote initiatives designed to encourage local trade.

·        A request was made for trade union representation to be included in the work that was taken place in respect of the Council’s ambition to become a Business Friendly Council.

·        Following discussions regarding the Business Improvement District, it was agreed that it would be useful to invite the BID manager to attend a future meeting of the committee to provide an update to Members.

·        Members queried whether more could be done to encourage local or smaller businesses to tender for Council contracts.  Concerns were expressed that changes to civil engineering contracts for work such as drainage repairs had deterred smaller businesses. This also increased the likelihood of employees and equipment having to be transported to the city which had an environmental impact. Officers explained that this change had been implemented because funding from central government required efficiency savings to be made. Collaboration across local authority areas enabled the procurement of services on a larger scale.  The tension between achieving savings through economies of scale and supporting local providers was, however, acknowledged and the Council’s procurement team continued to look at ways of addressing this issue.

·        Members stressed the need to ensure that efforts to encourage business were not confined to the city centre.  It was noted that Make it York was willing to support initiatives taking part in all parts of the city.


The Executive Member was thanked for his report and for his attendance at the meeting.


Resolved:  That the update be noted.


Reason:     To ensure that the committee is kept updated on the Executive Member’s priorities and challenges.

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