Agenda item

Attendance of Leader and Deputy Leader

The Executive Leader and Deputy Leader have been invited to attend the meeting to outline their priorities and challenges for 2016-2017.


The Leader and Deputy Leader had been invited to attend the meeting to outline their priorities and challenges for 2016-2017.  Copies of a paper detailing progress on the 12 Point Policy Plan had been circulated and are available with the online agenda papers for the meeting.


Discussion took place on the following issues:

·        The plans that were in place to share good practice in respect of the delegation of ward funding. A training event was planned to consider issues in respect of area based work.  Members suggested that it would be helpful for more information and guidance to be issued to Members to support them in making informed decisions as to how ward funding could be spent most effectively.

·        The Leader and Deputy Leader were questioned regarding the arrangements that were in place to secure the future of Yearsley Pool as part of the Community Stadium contract and as to how this would be funded within the business case.  Members were informed that contract negotiations with GLL were ongoing but that more detailed information regarding the inclusion of Yearsley Pool within the contract and the funding arrangements could be circulated to Members following the meeting.

·        Clarification was sought as to the timescale for the review of senior management. The Leader and Deputy Leader stated that the new Chief Executive would be involved in the process and that the top tier review should be completed within eight weeks.  It was intended that the overall review would be completed within six months.  In response to concerns expressed by some Members regarding delays in carrying out the review, the Leader and Deputy Leader outlined some of the work that had already taken place, including making permanent some Director posts.  A paper was due to be considered at the July meeting of the Executive.

·        Members queried the decision to reduce bus subsidies in light of the stated priority to support rural bus services and services in communities where they were needed. The Leader and Deputy Leader stated that this issue had been subject to pre-decision scrutiny and that a report was due to be considered by the Executive in June.  Many of the routes concerned were very rarely used and a targeted approach had been adopted after consultation had been carried out.

·        The Leader and Deputy Leader were questioned regarding a delay in putting in place an action plan following the LGA Peer Review.  They stated that the action plan was due to be considered by the Executive in July and would then be presented to Full Council in October. The Leader and Deputy Leader commented that they did not believe that the delay had been prejudicial and that the LGA had concurred that it would not have been appropriate for the action plan to have been presented at the Annual Council meeting in May.

·        Members questioned why, in respect of the Guildhall project, the decision had been taken to no longer develop this as a digital media arts centre.  The Leader and Deputy Leader stated that they favoured a more commercial approach and did not feel it appropriate to subsidise a particular sector.  They drew attention to other options that would also be available to businesses, including York Central. The aim was to attract high value jobs to the city.  At the request of Members of the Committee, the Leader and Deputy Leader agreed to circulate information on the work that had been carried out to attract digital arts media jobs to the city.


Referring to the fact that the Executive was due to make a number of decisions arising from the 12 point policy plan in June and July, Members suggested that it may be appropriate for the Leader and Deputy Leader to give a further report back to the Committee after that time.  The Leader and Deputy Leader confirmed that they would be willing to do so.  They were thanked for their attendance at the meeting.


Resolved:  That the update from the Leader and Deputy Leader be noted.


Reason:     To ensure that the committee is kept updated on progress in implementing the 12 Point Policy Plan.

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