Agenda item

Hilary House, St Saviour's Place, York YO1 7PJ (16/00701/FUL)

Roof extension to provide additional apartment [Guildhall] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application from St Catherine’s Developments for a roof extension to provide an additional apartment.


Officers circulated an update which included detailed comments from the Conservation Architect in respect of Hilary House. This was republished with the agenda following the meeting.


In response to a question about residents parking, it was noted that this would not normally be required as the property was located in the city centre.


Representations in objection were received from Mark Fieldsend. He made reference to a previous application made in 2013 for a roof extension, which had not been approved. He questioned any change in circumstances that time which would allow the roof extension applied for. Whilst the existing building was appropriate to the period, he felt that the proposal was inappropriate would set a precedent.


Further representations in objection were received from Janet Cole. She requested that if the application was approved, that a number of conditions be attached to the permission;


·        including limiting working hours to 08.00-17.00 with no working at weekends or on Bank Holidays,

·        limiting noise and vibration in particular no beeping by reversing vehicles,

·        prohibiting obstructions in the common parts of the building and outside areas

·        providing that all repair, redecoration and cleaning necessitated by the works will be carried out promptly, to a good standard and at the expense of the developer. The common areas will be left clear, clean and tidy at weekends.


She spoke about how the parking plans presented were inaccurate,  in that there were nine parking spaces in the basement but there were eleven presented on the plans. She felt that if the application was approved, that there should be a revised plan.


Representations in support were received from the agent Janet O’Neill. She spoke about how although it was a dominant building on the skyline, it would not dominate the Minster. In addition, she reported that Historic England regarded the application as an enhancement to the Conservation Area. She felt that it would bring also benefits to the surrounding streetscape.


Some Members felt that the roof extension was inappropriate in the area. Others questioned whether the National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) required the design of buildings to be distinctive or to respect the existing environment.


Councillor Craghill moved refusal and Councillor Looker seconded refusal on the grounds of the harmful impact that the application would have on the Central Historic Core Area, that it would detract from its setting and that the public benefits were not considered to outweigh the harm that the roof extension would bring.


Resolved: That the application be refused and that reasons for refusal be delegated to the Chair and Vice Chair, in conjunction with Officers.


Reason:   The host building is identified as a detractor in the Central Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal; due to its scale and form it is out of character with the surrounding townscape. The proposals would amplify the level of harm the building has on the character and appearance of the conservation area. The proposed rooftop extension would be a conspicuous addition and appear alien to the host building and its setting and would draw more undue attention, in particular in views along St Saviourgate and from the City Walls, to a building which already detracts from the skyline and historic setting. The proposals would not preserve, but have a harmful effect on the character and appearance of the Central Historic Core Conservation Area. The proposals would only create one dwelling and there are insufficient public benefits to justify the significant harm. To allow the proposal would be in conflict with paragraphs 126, 129, and 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy within National Planning Policy Guidance regarding design and the scale of buildings and policies HE2 and HE3 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan (2005).










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