Agenda item

Formal Business of Council - Allocations to Seats and Appointments to the Council Structure and Outside Bodies 2016/17

To receive a report which asks Council to:


(i)           Agree the allocation of seats in accordance with Annex A ; and


(ii)          Agree appointments to Committees and other bodies set out in Annex B, including the appointment of Chairs and Vice Chairs to Committees.



With reference to the recommendations contained in paragraph 13 of the report at page 6 of the Council papers, Councillor Aspden moved the recommendations, which were seconded by Councillor Carr, namely the appointment of a Council Leader, Deputy Leader and the allocation of places and Councillors to Committees and other bodies for 2016/17, as shown in the republished papers circulated at the meeting.


It was then


Resolved:  That Council


(i)           Agree the allocation of seats in accordance with Annex A circulated at the meeting and republished online;


(ii)          Approve the nominations to Committees, other bodies and outside bodies, including the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs to Committees, at Annex B, as circulated at the meeting and set out online in the republished papers for the meeting.


(iii)         Note the appointments made to the Executive for 2016/17. 1.


Reason:     To fulfil the Council’s statutory requirements.


Supporting documents:


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