Agenda item

Key Corporate Risk Monitor 4 2015/16

This paper presents an update on the key corporate risks for City of York Council and the refreshed Key Corporate Risk Report 2015.


Members considered a report which provided an update on the key corporate risks for City of York Council and the refreshed Key Corporate Risk Report 2015.


Members were asked to consider and comment on the refreshed key corporate risks, as detailed in Annex A of the report.  Members’ attention was also drawn to the information provided in respect of the controls applicable to KCR 06 workforce/capacity.


Members were informed that initial discussions had taken place with Zurich with regards to the development of a risk appetite statement.  It was intended that this would provide context around the risk scores.


Members commented on the following Key Corporate Risks (KCR):

·        KCR 02 – Governance (with particular reference to health and safety).  In response to questions from Members, officers detailed the staffing arrangements that were now in place.

·        KCR 09 – Communities. Members queried why no specific actions or target dates had been included.  Officers stated that controls were in place and that these would be monitored by the Director.

·        KCR 04 – Changing demographics.  Clarification was sought as to why the target date had been put back.  Officers explained that this was because work was ongoing in respect of place planning.

·        KCR 11 – Capital Programme.  A concern was expressed that the community stadium project had not been identified as a separate risk but had been included within KCR 11.  Officers confirmed that a number of capital programmes had been grouped under this strategic risk but stated that more information was available on specific projects if requested.  Members sought assurances that the relevant technical expertise and personnel were in place to ensure that the major capital projects such as York Central could be delivered.1

·        KCR 06 – Workforce/Capacity.  Clarification was sought as to the effectiveness of the Whistleblowing Policy.  Officers stated that the policy had been developed over time and explained that the reporting process was to Veritau.

·        KCR 06 – Workforce/Capacity. Referring to the target date of 31 December 2015, officers were asked about progress on the new workforce strategy.  Members were informed that a draft had been produced and was currently out for consultation.  Details were given of the reporting arrangements that were in place, including quarterly reports presented to the Corporate and Scrutiny Management Policy and Scrutiny Committee. 


Clarification was sought regarding the point at which a complete review of the risks was carried out to identify whether the nature of the risks may have changed.  Officers stated that a fundamental review of risks was carried out approximately every three years and that this process was due to be implemented.


Members stated that it would be useful for reports to include brief reference to those risks which had been removed from the register because appropriate controls had been put in place.


A request was made for information on the arrangements that were in place to mitigate against any financial penalties the government may impose on councils who breach air pollution regulations.1


Resolved:  (i)      That the report be noted.


                   (ii)      That Members’ comments on the refreshed key

                             corporate risks, as detailed above, be noted.


                   (iii)     That the additional information requested by

                             Members be provided.1


Reason:              To provide assurance that the authority is effectively understanding and managing its key risks.


Supporting documents:


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