Agenda item

Minerals and Waste Joint Plan - Preferred Options

The purpose of this report is to update Members on progress on the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan that City of York Council is producing with North Yorkshire County Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority and to ask Members to approve the attached Preferred Options documents for public consultation.




Members considered a report which updated them on the progress of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan that City of York Council is producing with North Yorkshire County Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority and to ask Members to approve the attached Preferred Options documents for public consultation.


Officers provided a number of updates to the committee report as follows:

·        The Council’s Corporate Management Team had commented on the report and amended paragraph 18 to clarify the context of National Planning Policy in relation to ‘fracking’ and to set out the further stages of consultation that will take place during the production of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.

·        Fracking remained the most controversial aspect of the plan

·        The Shale Community Engagement Charter 2013 states that the Industry had committed to a financial package for communities who host shale gas development which had been welcomed by the Government.

·        A Government Guidance Note on fracking issued in December 2012 announced support to encourage investment in the onshore gas industry including tax incentives.

·        In response to the comments made by Mr Valentine on Harewood Whin, as the plan is being consulted upon there will be an opportunity for people to put forward their points fully and they will be incorporated into next draft document.


Officers outlined the key aspects of the report and advised that the document was the result of 2 years work and 3 previous rounds of consultation. The current stage attached at Annex A is the preferred options stage which Members are being asked to approve for public consultation.


Members made a number of points as follows:

·        A number of points were made about fracking, in particular that local policy is restrained by national policy. Members also referred to the motion passed by Full Council in December 2014, the spirit of which was to limit fracking in the York area.

·        In relation to policies M16, M17, M18 and D9 – it would be preferable to have some reference to the safe decommissioning and sealing of wells after they have stopped being used in order to help prevent water supply contamination.

·        A member queried whether it was feasible (not contrary to Government policy) to make reference to nature conservation sites (Sites of Special Scientific Interest  and Special Protection Areas) in policy M16 (shale gas) or at least make stronger linkages with other biodiversity policies in the Plan (DO7). Officers stated that they would discuss this with NYCC and NYMP and would report any amendments to Executive.

·        In reference to the public speaker from Rufforth Parish Council a Member queried whether if further alternative sites were put forward through the preferred options consultation would it require a further sites consultation. Officers confirmed that to date no suitable alternative sites had been submitted for the potential Waste Transfer Station at Harewood Whin. However if further sites were put forward through consultation then these would need to be explored and that this could impact on the overall timetable.

·        A member raised a concern regarding the adequacy of building aggregates in the Joint Plan in relation to the quantums of development emerging from the Local Plan.  Officers confirmed that the aggregates industry had been involved by providing figures for the evidence base which supports the Joint Plan but given the current position of the Local Plan, it is difficult to include exact development figures.

·        A member also asked that there be reference to potential hazardous waste water as a result of shale gas production.


Resolved:              That Members recommended Option ii) that Executive approve the Preferred Options document (Annexes A-D) subject to the following amendments:


·        The addition of a clear reference to ensure that decommissioned wells are made safe to ensure long term safety.


·        Make reference to nature conservation sites in policy M16, if feasible.


·        Explore additional wording and/or linkage between policy M16 and waste water within the document.



Reason:              So that the Minerals and Waste Joint plan can be progressed.


Supporting documents:


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