Agenda item

Find out about ward budgets and grants

2015/16 ward budgets for Haxby and Wigginton and how to apply


Cllr Richardson gave a presentation “Listening to Residents: Ward Committees” The Council’s approach to community engagement and neighbourhood working.   The Council aimed to empower local residents and to support ward members so that they could work with local committees to develop and deliver local priorities and also empower local communities to devolve more budgets to residents.


The Ward Team is made up of ward councillors, parishes, church, schools and local associations.  He was aware that there were more local associations out there that need to be involved and was looking into this.  The ward committee would be led by the three elected councillors and decisions would be made by the ward committee.   The ward committee tackles local issue together with residents to improve the Council’s accountability and provide opportunities to influence services by talking to residents and prioritising local issues, agreeing the allocation of ward budgets and supporting local projects.  The ward committee meets officially four times a year but it is intended that more unofficial meetings will be held.


Wards are being given control of activities such as open spaces, grass cutting and flower beds.  Therefore the team must identify the ward priorities for future expenditure and decide what is a priority.


Funding is made up of:

·         Pride in York Fund - £6078 – to commission projects and initiatives that improve the local environment and street level issues in the ward, and could be spent on council services if the ward wished.  This money is allocated to wards on a per capita basis.

·         Pride in York Fund – One off funding - £6613)  - This payment is allocated to wards based on current grounds maintenance spending and would be used to provide grants to partner, community and voluntary organisations to develop initiatives that benefit the community and help reduce the reliance on council services.

·         General Ward Budget - £9117

Organisations/Groups can apply for a grant via an application form to do a particular piece of work.  The application must show a benefit to the local community.  City wide organisation cannot apply to multiple wards.  


Cllr Richardson said that there was a need to work with local knowledge and local priorities to manage footpaths, public rights of way, cycle way and street lighting improvements. 


·         Community Care Budget - £4559 - this extra funding  will help to support elderly people through community activity to prevent or delay people needing access to formal care, a list would be needed of our community organisations.  Haxby and Wigginton have the third largest number of elderly residents across the city.



·         Highways Programme - £15196: This £1500 funding is allocated to Highways.   The ward has a number of snickets some managed by CYC but the money could be used for the ones not under this programme and they could be tidied up and rubbish removed.   Also the money could be used to repair pathways that were not in a good state of repair.  Money could also be used on hedges where it is difficult to identify who the owner is, and trees.  


Cllr Richardson said that he understood that all funding allocated this year 2015/16 could be carried forward to 2016/17.    Cllr Cuthbertson said that the carried forward model was only available for the next two years and was unlikely to continue after 2016/17. 


Cllr Gates said It was for the ward to decide what funding goes where, residents were therefore needed to be involved in decision making with regard to the ward budget.


Q It was stated that if the budget is set for only two years how would it affect the large amount of elderly people in Haxby and Wigginton?


A Cllr Cuthbertson said that this funding was in addition to the central budget and enabled us to help local organisations for example Haxby Helpers, the church, Oaken Grove Youth Club and Silver Surfers and so on.


Q Identifying issues is a problem.  A local charity involving Wigginton Parish Council are finding it extremely difficult to award the money if people do not apply. Therefore we are urging people and organisations to come forward and apply.


Cllr Richardson asked that in respect of the grant applications, people fill in the forms now for grants and submit them straight away.    If anyone knows of any organisations that wishes to apply for a grant, please ask them to contact the Community Involvement Officer.




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