Agenda item

Updates from your ward councillors


Cllr Gates:  said he was involved in a lot of the different queries raised by residents including dog fouling, bins, street lighting and street repairs and he was happy to try to get action on any issues concerning residents that you feel are not being acted upon.  Ring or email me about any concerns.


I am also a member of the E-democracy Task Group who look at the technology services and how they can be improved.   We have a survey of the E-democracy services and he asked that residents could complete the form on the table before they left as it would give them the opportunity to have an input, especially on the Council meeting web casts.  This facility is not as widely used as it might be but is expensive to run. 


Cllr Richardson listed the committees that he and Cllr Cuthbertson and were members of.


Cllr Richardson


•Area Planning Sub-Committee (Substitute)

•Communities and Environment Policy and Scrutiny Committee (Vice-Chair)


•Education Appeals Panel (Substitute)

•Environment Appeals Panel

•Equality Advisory Group

•Gambling, Licensing & Regulatory Committee

•Haxby & Wigginton Ward Committee

•Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee

•Licensing/Gambling Hearing

•Planning Committee

•Yearsley Pool Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee


Cllr Cuthbertson


•Area Planning Sub-Committee (Substitute)

•Audit & Governance Committee (Substitute)

•Corporate and Scrutiny Management Policy and Scrutiny Committee (Substitute)

•Corporate and Scrutiny Management Policy and Scrutiny Committee (Calling In) (Substitute)

•Corporate Parenting Board


•Economic Development and Transport Policy and Scrutiny Committee (Chair)

•Economic Development and Transport Policy and Scrutiny Committee (Pre Decision Calling In)

•Haxby & Wigginton Ward Committee

•Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee (Vice-Chair)

•Local Plan Working Group (Substitute)

•Make it York Shareholders Group

•Planning Committee


All three Cllrs were in touch with Town and Parish Councils who can raise any issues of concern with us.


Cllr Richardson updated residents on the following issues:


·         Fire alarm going off at Metcalfe’s – this is the responsibility of the premises owners.

·         Toilets – there were reports about people being unable to access them.   The issue was that young people were going into the toilets and setting them alight so the company who had the contract were asked to look into this.  They decided to lock them around 5.00 pm but did not consult anyone, this is being looked into   

·         Salt Bins – being addressed

·         Green Waste extension - reminder that there is an extra collection this month


·         In response to a residents query about the installation of LED street lighting, Cllr Richardson said that there was a rolling programme to installing these lights.


·         In response to a residents question on speeding on Church Lane, Cllr Richardson said that ward councillors were having difficulty getting police vehicles to the ward.  It was certainly an issue as to why we are not having enforcements on the road. Commissioner had said that there were two camera vans.  He said he would pursue this and residents could talk to either him or the Commissioner when she visited the ward at the end of the month.


·         Catherine Prince who runs Oaken Grove Youth Club extended an open invitation to residents to attend the Youth Club on a Wednesday evening to see the work that they are doing.



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