Agenda item

Called-In Item: Park and Ride Bus Contract Options

To consider the decisions made by the Executive at their meeting held on 24 September 2015 in relation to the above item, which has been called in by Councillors D’Agorne, Looker and S Barnes in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.  A cover report is attached setting out the reasons for the call-in and the remit and powers of the Corporate & Scrutiny Management Policy & Scrutiny Committee (Calling-In) in relation to the call-in, together with the original report and the decisions of the Executive.



Members received a report which asked them to consider a decision made by the Executive on  24 September 2015 to approve the proposed specification principles and contract arrangements for the Council’s Park and Ride service, its procurement and programme timescales.


Details of the Executive’s decision were attached at Annex A to the report and the original report of the Acting Director of City and Environmental Services, attached at Annex B.


The original decision had been called in post decision by Councillors D’Agorne, Looker and S Barnes on the following grounds:


I.     The need for further community consultation on the detail, particularly in relation to intermediate stops and operating hours;

II.   The proposal should specify ultra-low emission vehicles will be a core requirement. This is essential to ensure that the City of York is able to meet air quality commitments in the city centre and thus comply with our Air Quality Strategy and EU directives

III.  Minimum levels of evening services and overnight parking provision should be clearly specified as a core specification.


Councillor D’Agorne addressed the meeting on behalf of the group of Calling-In members. He highlighted their principle concern about the impact the Park and Ride contract in its current form may have on York being able to meet its air quality commitments. He questioned why the contract was not requiring only low emission vehicles and also queried whether any consultation had been undertaken before adding additional stopping points to Park and Ride routes, in particular route number 7. Later services until at least  9pm on weekdays and until 10.30pm on weekends were also considered important.


Councillor Looker also spoke on behalf of the group of Calling-In members. She referred to significant hotspots for air quality problems In York, many of which are located in areas frequently used by buses. She felt that it is becoming increasingly important that the issue is tackled and the 8 year park and ride contract provided an opportunity to work towards hitting air quality targets. In relation to the extension of services into the evening, she felt it was important for bus companies to support the early evening economy, even if it was just at weekends,  and it should be a requirement of the contract.


The Executive Member for Planning and Transport spoke in response to the points made for the call-in of the decision. In relation to the comments made about later services and additional stops, he agreed that after 7pm there could be some scope for Park and Ride services to be amended to run later and stop at additional stops. He also considered an increase to the length of stay in Park and Ride car parks to 72 hours to be reasonable. In relation to the comments made by Councillor D’Agorne regarding the consultation and intermediate stops for route number 7, it was discussed at Executive that there will be further work involving residents and the Ward Councillors regarding which stops to retain. In response to comments made about requiring low emission vehicles he  referred to paragraph 31 of the Executive report dated 24th September and suggested that the wording should be amended to state:

‘Having sought competitive bids for the park and ride contract, members will be given the opportunity to determine whether the costs relating to the implementation of ultra low emission vehicle technology are sufficiently outweighed by the air quality benefits the City would experience as a result’

He reminded members that while there is a desire for low emission vehicles, cost will be a factor.


Some questions to the Executive Member raised issues regarding the amount of public consultation which had been carried out on park and ride services and additional stops.


The Acting Director of City and Environmental Services provided further information in answer to Members questions and in support of the Executive’s decision. He referred to the clarification of the wording of paragraph 31 of the Executive Report as outlined by the Executive Member and advised that it was the intention that the words were recorded as part of this meeting in order to provide clarification on the intentions of that paragraph rather than it being another executive decision. In response to queries about consultation, officers advised that the surveys carried out included people returning from the city centre as well as local residents who had used stops along the routes to access services.


Following further questions and lengthy debate the options were considered and put to the vote and it was:




Resolved:           That Option A be approved and the decision of the Executive be confirmed.


Reason:              To enable the called-in matter to be dealt with efficiently and in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution.


Supporting documents:


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