Agenda item

Land adjacent to Concorde Park fronting Amy Johnson Way, York (06/02102/FULM)

Erection of 2 storey Eco Business Centre including 32 workshops, 40 office units, car and cycle parking and a wind turbine. [Skelton, Rawcliffe, Clifton Without Ward]


Members considered a Major Full Application, submitted by the Helmsley Group, for the erection of a 2 storey Eco Business Centre including 32 workshops, 40 office units, car and cycle parking, and a wind turbine.


Officers updated that Highway Network Management had now confirmed that issues had been clarified in relation to the Section 38 Agreement and the adoption of the highway. The plans had also been amended to their satisfaction and it was confirmed that the proposed car parking was within the maximum standards.


It was also reported that the Environmental Protection Unit comment in the report, relating to the imposition of conditions, had been incorporated into the Informative on page 20. The Sustainability Officer had now received a more detailed Sustainability Statement and had indicated that the details were good but had requested the inclusion of two additional conditions to any approval. Officers also updated that the proposed site was 2½ miles from the centre of York rather than the 4 miles stated and that it was recommended that additional conditions relating to removal of materials from the site and hours of work should be added to any approval. Details of the additional conditions were circulated at the meeting.


Members expressed concerns in relation to existing parking problems in the area, access for cars and cycles and cycle parking and questioned the proximity of bus services to the site. Members also confirmed with the applicant that the Management Company would implement the Travel Plan, for the Eco Centre and details of the dry stone walling, solar panels and wind turbine. In answer to a question it was confirmed that details of performance data, in relation to the energy performance of the building, would be publicly available, as the City of York Council would manage the Centre. 


Representations in support of the application were received from the applicant who stated that this was an exciting project, which raised a number of challenges in the proposed building. The aim was to provide an economically viable building for both the developers and the occupiers. He pointed out that there were few private sector developers erecting similar buildings as investment properties and it was hoped that, if this was a success, others would follow.


RESOLVED:     i) That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the additional under mentioned conditions


1             The hours of demolition loading or unloading associated with the clearance of existing materials on the site shall be confined to 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 13:00 Saturday and no working on Sundays or public holidays.


Reason: To protect the amenities of adjacent residents.


2               Details of the following sustainable building methods which are proposed to be included in the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to the start of construction on site, and shall be implemented as agreed,


 - The ground source heat pump.

 - The solar thermal system.

 - The levels of thermal insulation.

 - Summary of the SBEM analysis, providing details of the CO2 savings.

 - The rainwater harvesting systems.

 - Summary of the water saving installations.


Reason. In accordance with good practice in sustainable development as described in 2005 Draft Local Plan policy GP4a.


3             The site shall hereafter be occupied in accordance with the aims, measures and outcomes of the Travel Plan that has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason. To ensure that the development complies with advice contained in PPG13 (Transport), and with policy T20 of the City of York deposit draft Local Plan;  to ensure that adequate provision is made for the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, cycles and other forms of transport to and from the site, together with parking on site for these users.



REASON:            In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to neighbours. As such the proposal complies with Policies GP1, SP8, GP4a, E4, GP5 and T4 of the City of York Deposit Draft Local Plan as well as overriding Policy Advice in the form of PPS, PPG4 and PPG14.


ii)                  That the Officers be requested to review the cycle arrangements with the developer to see whether the parking could be located in a more secure, convenient and safely accessible location on the site.


[as amended by the East Area Planning Sub-Committee at their meeting on 1 11 January 2007]

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