Agenda item

Former Terry's Factory, Bishopthorpe Road, York, YO23 1NA (15/00456/FULM)

A major full application for the conversion of a multi-storey factory to a maximum 173 residential apartments and ground floor retail unit; erection of additional roof storey and balconies to southern elevation; public open space and car parking [Micklegate Ward] [Site Visit].


Consideration was given to a major full application for the conversion of a multi-storey factory to a maximum 173 residential apartments and a ground floor retail unit; the erection of additional roof storey and balconies to southern elevation; public open space and car parking.


Officers provided an update to the committee report;  full details are attached to the online agenda for this meeting for information, the main points were as follows:

·        To clarify the reference in the report to the need for Section 106 commuted sum contributions towards sustainable transport measures includes the level of contribution towards the City Car Club Car Sharing Scheme ordinarily associated with this type of development.

·        A number of submitted application drawings had been amended following negotiations. Condition 2 of the application and Listed Building Consent will need to be amended to show correct plan references.

·        A detailed consultation response had been received from the Council’s Environmental Protection Unit who had no objection subject to a number of conditions.


Kate Bailey spoke as the agent on behalf of the applicant. She advised that no other alternative use had come forward for the factory since 2006 and the current plans had been heavily publicised and all comments received taken into account.


Some Members commented that they had noted the bad state of repair of the building on the site visit. Members were happy to support the application.


Following further discussion it was:



Resolved:           That the application be approved subject to the Section 106 agreement.


Reason:              The Terry's Multi-Storey Factory has lain vacant since operations at the site ceased in 2006. Following removal of the roof top plant the structural integrity of the building has become compromised and it is deteriorating rapidly. Planning permission has previously been given for a mix of flexible uses however planning permission is now sought for the conversion of the building into a maximum of 173 apartments with a retail unit on the ground floor. It is felt that the proposal would give rise to harm to the evidential value and significance of the building  both in respect of the proposed roof top extension and in terms of the proposed internal works where the harm may be quantified as being substantial. However, balancing against this the applicant has undertaken to address in detail and amend each area of concern. Even when the harm is given considerable importance and weight, it is considered to be outweighed by the benefits of bringing such a substantially important Listed Building within the context of the York City sky line back into a beneficial use within an existing derelict site of major townscape importance with minimal additional development to the exterior area, in a sustainable location.


The impacts of the proposal in terms of the need for playing pitch provision, the provision of primary school places and sustainable transport and off-site highway works can be addressed through a legal agreement.  Approval is therefore recommended for the scheme subject to a Section 106 Agreement to cover these issues.



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