Agenda item

Public Participation

At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Committee’s remit can do so. The deadline for registering is Tuesday 24 March 2015 at 5:00 pm.


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It was reported that there had been four registrations to speak under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Councillor Richardson spoke regarding Pain Management Services. He spoke about how pain originated from a variety of sources and that sufferers often had to manage the condition by themselves and how this made it difficult to drive to appointments or work. He said that consultants often directed those who suffered from pain conditions to GPs who could only treat the pain and not the symptoms. He shared an anecdote with the Committee about an elderly gentleman who had injections to relieve lower back pain which were stopped without agreement. No one had asked if he was a carer, which he was, as the sole support for his ill wife. Councillor Richardson felt that it was time for the Council, Hospital and GPs to work together to guarantee a minimum level of care for pain sufferers and he hoped that the Committee might look at this as a topic for review.


Jo Whitehead from Lives Unlimited and York Independent Living Network spoke regarding changes to the Direct Payments and the letter that had recently been received by all Direct Payments recipients. She informed Members about how Direct Payments had given disabled people the chance to make a contribution to the city and that she felt that the changes would go against the Care Act. She felt that there had been no evidence of consultation or an equality assessment of how the changes would affect disabled people’s lives. She wanted the changes halted so that genuine consultation could take place.


The Chair referred to a letter regarding the changes to the Direct Payments Policy that had been received by all Members from Lives Unlimited and York Independent Living Network that week and stated that he was concerned and recommended that the content of the letter be considered as an agenda item for the next meeting.


He asked Officers if there was any possibility of halting the policy. It was reported that a further letter had been drafted in response to the one sent by Lives Unlimited and York Independent Living Network but this would not include details on pausing the process. A further letter would be sent to Direct Payments recipients assuring them that the Council would work with them and this letter would also detail what consultation would take place at that stage.


Councillor Siân Wiseman spoke in regards to Agenda Item 7 (Older Person’s Accommodation) she expressed her disappointment that the report had not been considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board before Cabinet as she felt this was the most appropriate body. She was also concerned that the risks in the procurement had not been identified sooner and felt let down by Officers past and present, the Cabinet Member for Health past and present who had knowledge of the failure to procure the Plan. She also expressed her disappointment at the Cabinet Member’s non attendance.


The Chair stated that he had received apologies from the Cabinet Member, Councillor Cunningham, who could not attend the meeting due to a Residents’ Forum and Childcare.


Gwen Swinburn spoke on procedural issues. She asked for clarification on Officers’ titles (for example if an Officer was an ‘Interim Director’ that title should be used, not ‘Director’) and felt that Officers should not refer to Members by their first names during meetings and vice versa.




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