Agenda item

Naburn Lock Caravan Park, Naburn, York (14/02806/FULM)

A major full application for the change of use of land for touring caravans with associated amenity building, gas compound and bin store. [Wheldrake Ward] [Site Visit].



Consideration was given to a major full application by Peter and Catherine Wilkinson for the change of use of land for touring caravans with associated amenity building, gas compound and bin store.


Officers provided an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda for this meeting, the main details were as follows:

·        Since the Committee Report was prepared the applicant has submitted a detailed statement in respect of the Green Belt and setting of a Listed Building concerns.

·        Very special circumstances were given by the applicant as being able to satisfy the presumption in favour of sustainable economic development contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.

·        Further information regarding the impact of the proposed development upon the listed Naburn Banqueting House. The building is specifically designed to be viewed from the river frontage.

·        The issue of the impact of brightly coloured river boats passing the site was considered transitory and of minimal impact.

·        Since the Committee Report was written 16 letters of support  including one from the Commercial Manager of Visit York along with a 33 signature petition in support of the proposal had been submitted.


The applicant’s agent,Thorfinn Caithness,  spoke on behalf of the applicant. He advised that the application was being made to extend a well managed rural family business. The field in question was currently used for 28 calendar days for caravan rallies under permitted rights but permission was now being sought to house 20 formal touring caravan pitches on the site. Currently several rallies concentrated between April and September involving 50-60 caravans were being held so there were already caravans regularly using the field. The application presented the opportunity to secure economic gain within the Green Belt and reduce the number of caravans using the site with better controls. High quality landscaping would be used to minimise any impact on the surrounding area. In relation to Naburn Banqueting House,  the priority was to secure a use for the house and the development of the caravan park would assist in securing its future by bringing business to the site. Additional planting would limit views and Visit York supported the application as there is a demand for touring caravan pitches within the York area.


Following a brief discussion, Members considered that very special circumstances for development within the Green Belt had not been demonstrated.


Resolved:           That the application be refused.


Reason:              The proposal lies within the general extent of the Green Belt as set out in the saved RSS policies YH9C and Y1CThe application has therefore been considered against the policies in the Framework at Section 9 relating to development in the Green Belt. The proposal constitutes inappropriate development within the Green Belt and is therefore by definition harmful to the openness of the Green Belt contrary to paragraphs 89 and 90 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy GB1 of the York Development Control Local Plan(4th Set Changes 2005). The other comprising viability of the existing caravan site enterprise and the presumption in favour of sustainable economic development outside of the Green Belt do not amount to very special circumstances that would clearly outweigh the harm and any other harm to the Green Belt


                             The proposal by virtue of its alien, engineered appearance and us of inappropriate landscaping would cause significant detrimental harm to the setting of Naburn Banqueting House, a Grade II Listed building contrary to Section 66 of the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act , paragraph 132 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy HE4 of the York Development Control Local

Plan(2005 4th Set of Changes).


Supporting documents:


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