Agenda item

2-14 George Hudson Street, York , YO1 6LP (14/01383/FULM)

A major full application for the change of use from offices (use class B1) to student accommodation comprising of 58 self contained units with associated facilities including shop, cycle store, managers office, communal lounge, gym and laundry. A new shop front to the proposed entrance on the George Hudson Street elevation. [Micklegate Ward] [Site Visit].




Consideration was given to a major full application for the change of use from offices (use class B1) to student accommodation comprising of 58 self contained units with associated facilities including a shop, cycle store, managers office, communal lounge, gym and laundry. A new shop front is proposed to the entrance on the George Hudson Street elevation.


Officers circulated an update to the committee report, attached in full to the online agenda for this meeting. The main points were as follows:

·        An error at paragraph 1.1 states 85 studio flats, should read 58.

·        Further representations of support had been received.

·        Additional noise information had been received from the applicant and as a result, the Council’s Environmental Protection Unit had removed their objections to the scheme.

·        The officer recommendation had now been revised following the additional noise information and in light of the Council’s EPU now being satisfied. The recommendation was now as follows:

(i) Defer pending completion of a satisfactory Section 106 Agreement to secure the matters set out in paragraph 4.41 of the committee report

(ii) Grant delegated authority to Assistant Director (Development Services, Planning and Regeneration) to approve on completion of the Section 106 Agreement, and subject to conditions.


The Council’s Environmental Protection Officer spoke to confirm that he was now satisfied with the scheme following additional information from the applicant on predicted maximum and low frequency noise levels in the proposed residential units, with mitigation measures in place.


The agent spoke in support of the scheme and advised that the office space in the building had been vacant for a number of years and offered larger than average units. 58 units would be created and if the site was occupied there would be economic benefits to the city centre which was demonstrated by the letters of support for the scheme received from business owners.


A noise consultant spoke on behalf of the applicant. He advised that he had been invited to assess the scheme and had recommended glazing and insulation which would ensure residents would not be detrimentally affected by noise.


Members queried a number of points with the agent and officers in particular whether noise and pollution levels to the rear of the property were also acceptable. Officers confirmed levels were acceptable.


Members entered debate and made the following points:

·        Some Members were pleased to see the recommendation had changed to approval as they considered the use to be an appropriate one which recognised that people do choose to live in the City Centre despite potential noise issues.

·        Some Members raised concerns about the loss of business space in the City Centre.

·        Members reiterated the importance of ensuring the level of sound mitigation  is adequate .

·        Some Members raised concerns about the units only being offered to students.



Resolved:           (i) That the application be deferred pending completion of a satisfactory Section 106 Agreement to secure the matters set out in paragraph 4.41 of the committee report


(ii) Grant delegated authority to Assistant Director (Development Services, Planning and Regeneration) to approve on completion of the Section 106 Agreement, subject to conditions reported in the committee update.


Reason:              The application was considered satisfactory with the appropriate noise insulation controls.











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