Agenda item
St Josephs Convent, Lawrence Street, York, YO10 3EB (14/02404/FULM).
A major full application for the conversion, part demolition and extension of existing convent buildings and erection of 14 three and four storey buildings to provide student residential and ancillary accommodation (660 bed spaces) with vehicle access to Lawrence Street. [Fishergate Ward] [Site Visit].
Consideration was given to a major full application for the conversion, part demolition and extension of existing convent buildings and the erection of 14 three and four storey buildings to provide student accommodation with vehicle access to Lawrence Street.
Officers provided an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda for this meeting, the main points were as follows:
· Further information on students and car ownership and the legality issues of not allowing private car ownership.
· Landscape officer comments on trees for removal.
· Further comment on the access arrangements to the cemetery for the Nuns to confirm they are happy with the proposals.
Natasha Rowland spoke as the agent on behalf of the applicant. She circulated a document to show the intended finish of the buildings. She advised that the Diocese chose the applicant as the preferred developer due to the sympathetic proposals put forward and the nuns have been fully consulted. The student accommodation would be comfortable, practical and high specification. Intensive consultation had been carried out with Officers and English Heritage. The aim of the proposals was to create a car free environment but to address concerns a travel plan and management plan had been produced with a heavy focus on discouraging student to bring cars. Trees and orchard retained. Conversion of listed buildings with minimal intervention.
Councillor Watson spoke to advise that too many student units were being approved in the city and raised concerns about the impact of the materials being used upon the listed building. He also asked that if possible, a separate entrance be put in place for the nuns to access the cemetery as they were unlikely to object to the current plans themselves.
Members queried a number of points as follows:
· Some Members queried why an additional pedestrian and cycle refuge was not being provided at the front of the site.
· Whether any units would be provided for families within the site. The applicants agent confirmed that some units are larger and that this could be looked at.
· Some Members agreed with Councillor Watsons’ comments that the nuns may not be fully happy with the current arrangements for access to the cemetery and asked if the applicant could re-visit the access situation if current circumstances surrounding the land ownership changed. It was confirmed this could be done.
Members entered debate and made the following comments:
· The application was positive in terms of use and would help towards easing the pressure on local housing.
· Some Members had concerns about access and egress into the site on Lawrence Street and considered that slow moving cyclists and pedestrians would need something in the middle of the road to aid them.
· Members were pleased to see a sympathetic design in keeping with the history of the site.
· Some Members felt that the proposed cladding being used within the scheme was not sympathetic to the historic surroundings and that better access to the cemetery was required for the nuns, despite the applicant stating that the nuns were happy.
Following further discussion it was moved and seconded to approve the application subject to further plans to address concerns raised by members regarding cycle and pedestrian access and egress on to Lawrence Street. When put to the vote this motion was carried.
Members also noted that the applicant was agreeable, by way of informative, to investigate further the access arrangements to the cemetery for the nuns once land ownership issues were resolved.
Resolved: That officers be given delegated authority to approve subject to revised plans to address traffic concerns raised by members.
Reason: The site is classed as previously developed land and within a sustainable location. There is a demonstrable need for the type of housing proposed and therefore according to national planning policy, there is a presumption in favour of the proposed development, subject to a satisfactory impact on heritage assets. The scheme should be approved unless the development is deemed to be unsustainable.
The proposed development would be of good quality; fit for purpose, sustainable (achieving a BREEAM rating of very good), and sensitive to heritage assets (the impact on listed structures would be acceptable) and biodiversity. The application has a level of detail which demonstrates the scheme is based upon a comprehensive understanding of both the history of the site and its landscape values, and the development proposed is distinctive and harmonious with its setting. There is adequate mitigation for any impact on biodiversity. There would be no conflict with planning policy and no undue effects, in particular upon residential amenity and the highway network. Approval is recommended.
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