Agenda item
Fulford School, Fulfordgate, York, YO10 4FY (14/02167/GRG3).
- Meeting of Planning Committee, Thursday, 19 February 2015 4.30 pm (Item 51b)
- View the declarations of interest for item 51b
A general regulation application for the erection of a two storey classroom block and a single storey sports block including sports hall and changing rooms. [Fulford Ward] [Site Visit].
Consideration was given to a general regulations application for the erection of a two storey classroom block and single storey sports hall and changing rooms.
Councillor Merrett joined the meeting at this point as Substitute for Councillor Looker.
Officers gave an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda for this meeting, the main points were as follows:
· An additional condition requiring a formal pre-design BREEAM assessment for the design and procurement stages of the development.
· Details of the Community Use Policy for the proposed Sports Hall.
· Two further letters of support had been received and one in objection.
· Further representations had been received from Fulford Parish Council expressing concern in respect of the proposed access from the Germany Beck development and the need to ensure it is constructed in a timely fashion.
Mr Gamston spoke as a Local Resident. He advised that he lived near to the entrance of Fulford School and the school has doubled in size in comparison to when it was first built but no other access arrangements have been made. He asked that officers look into the possibility of reserving the necessary land to implement an access road from the Germany Beck site to the school.
John Haewood spoke on behalf of himself and other residents. He raised concerns about residents not being consulted on the plans in good time. He advised that although residents support the school, he asked that obscure glazing be installed in the higher floors of the teaching block as this would be appreciated by residents.
Mark Ellis, Principal Education Officer spoke on behalf of the Council. He advised that the Council has a responsibility to ensure there are enough school places and the expansion of the school was necessary in order for pupils within the catchment to get a place.
Lorna Savage spoke as Head teacher at the school. She advised that additional capacity was required as currently not all pupils can be accommodated at the site for PE lessons and as a result teaching time is being lost as pupils travel between the University and the school to access facilities. She advised that there are 7 points throughout the school week where the school is operating at maximum capacity.
David Ashton spoke as Chair of the School Governors. He advised that the school had contacted residents about the plans as soon as it was clear that funding for the improvements had been agreed. Discussions had taken place with the Ward Councillor and the Parish Council and access from the Germany Beck site is being offered.
Mary Urmston spoke on behalf of Fulford Parish Council. She advised that the Parish Council was sympathetic to the schools desire to expand but considered that the proposed sports hall building is very large and nothing in the plans suggested that the conservation area had been taken into account. The Parish Council supported Fulfordgate residents in their comments about the need for an additional access road.
Councillor Aspden spoke as Ward Member. He advised that the comments attributed to him in the committee report related to the first application submitted last year by the school and were not based on the current plans. He reiterated his support for the school and recognised that improvements were necessary. He welcomed the inclusion of a number of planning conditions, including protection for residents against any lighting scheme, ensuring any materials and finishes for the Sports Hall design are appropriate, the community use of the Sports Hall, a bond to support the regulation of parking in the area if necessary and a protected alignment to ensure no unauthorised development on the space earmarked for an access road from Germany Beck into the school site.
Members queried a number of points as follows:
· The issue of an access road from Germany Beck and the impact on trees. Officers confirmed that the road, if it was to go ahead, would require a separate access planning application.
· Lighting in the car park and whether it would be possible to provide re-active lighting so that lights were not on overnight when the sports hall was not in use. It was confirmed that a condition could be added to require details of lighting.
Members entered debate and were supportive of the application subject to conditions being agreed on lighting and hours of use for the Sports Hall.
Resolved: That the application be approved.
Reason: Although Fulford Parish Council considers that the proposal should have been screened under the 2011 Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, as in their view the development falls within Schedule 2, as the development is less than 0.5 hectares, it falls below the minimum threshold and the development is not within a defined sensitive area, therefore screening under the 2011 Regulations is not required.
Both the teaching block and the sports hall elements of the proposal are modest in scale and would not give rise to any material harm to residential amenity. At the same time they reflect the existing pattern of scale and massing adopted at the School and would not give rise to any issue of harm to the visual amenity of the wider street scene. Concern has been expressed in respect of the prospect of increased harm from on-street parking and traffic generation in adjoining side roads. A detailed Transport Statement has however been submitted with the proposal which clearly demonstrates that there would not be a material increase in traffic and on-street parking over and above the existing situation, a view supported by the Highway Authority. A link road to the Germany Beck residential development to the south has previously been discussed but does not form part of the present application although a potential route has been reserved. The application is considered to be acceptable.
In terms of any impact on the Germany Beck residential development, the school development proposal does not prevent a link road in the future, and meets highway standards on its own merits. It is therefore is considered to be acceptable. Overall any impacts on the school proposal arising from the residential development on Germany Beck, and vice versa have been examined and found to be within acceptable levels. The proposal is felt to be acceptable in planning terms and approval is therefore recommended.
Supporting documents:
14.02167.GRG3 Fulford Sch, item 51b
14 2167 GRG3 Part 1, item 51b
PDF 228 KB
14 2167 GRG3 part 2.., item 51b
PDF 219 KB