Agenda item

Wheldrake Village Design Statement/Supplementary Planning Document

This report presents a summary of the responses received following a consultation on Wheldrake Village Design Statement.  A number of amendments are proposed as a result of the consultation.  Subject to Members’ views, it is intended that the amended document becomes draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to the emerging Local Plan.


Members considered a report which presented a summary of the responses received following a consultation on Wheldrake Village Design Statement (VDS).  A number of amendments were proposed as a result of the consultation.  Subject to Members’ views, it was intended that the amended document became draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to the emerging Local Plan.  The document would thus be a material planning consideration when considering applications for development within the designated Village Design Statement area.

Officers outlined both of the reports for the Wheldrake and the Strensall and Towthorpe VDS and advised that both draft VDS went to consultation in summer 2014. Responses to the consultation were outlined in annex B of the report. As a result of the consultation a number of amendments had now been made and the final VDS were being presented to Members.


Officers asked Members to note that the whist the textual element of the documents was complete and being presented for Members consideration, the visual design of the documents would be completed at a later stage. Officers also wished to record thanks to the groups who had worked in conjunction with the Council to produce the documents.


Members noted the work ongoing in the city on VDS but also on Neighbourhood Plan documents and welcomed such work. Some Members queried the weight which can be afforded to these documents when they are used at Planning Committees. Officers confirmed the plans are material planning considerations and should be considered accordingly.


The Chair also thanked the groups involved in producing the document.


Recommended: That, in accordance with Option 1, Cabinet be recommended to:


(i)           Approve Wheldrake Village Design Statement, as attached at Annex A of the report, as a draft Supplementary Planning Document to the emerging Local Plan.


(ii)          Delegate to the Director of City of Environmental Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member, the making of any incidental changes to the Village Design Statement as a result of the recommendations of Cabinet.


(iii)        Delegate to the Village Design Statement group and officer the final graphic design.


Reasons:   (i)      Wheldrake Village Design Statement follows in

the footsteps of other previous examples that have been agreed; observing the general guidance and principles required in their production, whilst successfully defining the individual qualities of the villages and bringing forward appropriate Design Guidelines.


                   (ii)      So that changes recommended as a result of

discussions at this meeting can be made, in liaison with the Village Design Statement group.


(iii)        To allow changes to the final graphics/layout as required e.g. improved photo quality, or number of pages to meet print specifications.

Supporting documents:


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