Agenda item

Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies

This report provides further details in relation to appointments deferred at the last meeting together with additional requests for changes made since that time.







Members considered a report which asked them to agree to a number of changes to Committees and Outside Bodies as a result of a number of changes namely; the recent change in Council leadership, the reduction in Cabinet members, changes to Conservative group places on Committees as a result of Councillor Watt’s resignation from the Conservative Group and changes to the Terms of Reference and Membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


An updated list of nominations was circulated to the Committee (re-published with the agenda with the agenda online).


Members were taken through the various changes to be considered one by one.


In regards to the proposal to replace Councillor Watt on Local Plan Working Group, Councillor Watson felt that Councillor Watt would make a good Independent Member on the committee. [As amended at Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee on Monday 16 February 2015]


The Chair commented that it was not the role of the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee to make decisions in regards to the composition of committee places, which should be reserved to each political group.


Discussion took place on the proposal to change the start time of meetings from 1 pm to 5.30 pm. It was suggested that the current day of the meeting, Monday, should remain as it avoided clashes with other meetings that Members might have to attend.






(i)           That the following changes and appointments be agreed to Outside Bodies, Committees for the remainder of the municipal year etc12:


·        Councillor Williams to replace Councillor Alexander as Labour substitute on the Local Plan Working Group.




·        To request that West Yorkshire Combined Authority appoint Councillor Williams to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority-Investment Committee, to replace Councillor Alexander, the former Council Leader, in line with WYCA requirements.


·        Councillor Healey, as Conservative rep, to replace Councillor Watt on the Local Plan Working Group.


·        Councillor Steward as the Conservative Vice Chair of the Local Plan Working Group.


·        Councillor Healey as both a member of the Economic and City Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee and as Vice Chair, to replace Councillor Watt in both roles.


·        Councillor Richardson to replace Councillor Watt as Vice Chair of Gambling, Licensing & Regulatory Committee.


·        Councillor Barton to replace Councillor Watt as the Conservative Group’s substitute representative on the Without Walls Partnership.


·        Councillor Richardson to replace Councillor Watt on the Joint Member Working Group on the Joint Mineral and Waste Plan.


·        Councillor Levene to replace Councillor Merrett on the Local Government North Yorkshire Spatial Planning and Transport Board.


·        Councillor Williams to replace Councillor Fraser as one of the Labour representatives on the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee.


·        Luke Barnett and Melanie McQueen from York CVS as the named member and substitute member respectively, to act as representatives from the York Voluntary and Community sector on the Health and Wellbeing Board.



(ii)          That the additional information received in relation to the appointment of Councillor Cunningham, previously made to the City of York Trading Company Shareholder Committee be noted.


(iii)        That the Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Young People, as the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, be appointed as the Council’s third elected representative on the Health and Wellbeing Board.


(iv)        That all future Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee meetings be changed to start at 5.30 pm on Mondays.


Reason: In order to make appropriate appointments to the Council’s Committees and Outside Bodies for the current municipal year.



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