Agenda item

Called In Item: Jockey Lane Pedestrian and Cycle Improvement Scheme

To consider the decisions made by the Cabinet Member for Transport at his Decision Session held on 11 December 2014 in relation to the above item, which has been called in by Councillors D’Agorne, Orrell and Runciman in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.  A cover report is attached setting out the reasons for the call-in and the remit and powers of the Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling-In) in relation to the call-in, together with the original report and the decisions of the Cabinet Member.



Members received a report which asked them to consider the decisions made by the Cabinet Member for Transport, at his Decision Session on 11 December 2014, in relation to the revised Jockey Lane Pedestrian and Cycle Improvement Scheme. In November 2013 approval had been given to implement the works, subject to agreement with the landowners Portakabin regarding the transfer of land for use as additional footway area.


The Cabinet Member had subsequently been updated that, following a change in management, Portakabin were now unwilling to dedicate the parcel of land required to facilitate the proposed scheme. As a result, alternative options had been put forward for consideration.


Details of the Cabinet Members decision were attached at Annex A to the report and the original report to the Decision Session, attached at Annex B.


Officers circulated detailed plans of the revised proposals for the Jockey Lane scheme.


The original decision had been called in by Councillors D’Agorne, Orrell and Runciman and although the Members continued to support improvements on Jockey Lane, they had a number of concerns and had called-in the decisions on the following grounds:


·        Proper consideration was not given to the installation of a right turn into the Range store as requested by Ward Members in 2013 and again in 2014


·        The failure to include the updated design of the cycle route across the access roads in the published documents meaning that comments could not be made on the proposals.


·        Proper consideration was not given to the request by Ward Members to resurface a greater section of Jockey Lane


·        The positioning of the Toucan crossing close to Kathryn Avenue traffic lights.


Councillor Orrell addressed the meeting as one of the Calling In members. He confirmed that one of their principle concerns related to a previous planning condition, which had subsequently been appealed, in relation to a right turn into the Range store as requested by the Ward Members. This was particularly required now following the increase in traffic from the Vangarde development. Their other concerns related to the proximity of the proposed toucan crossing to Kathryn Avenue, the poor condition of Jockey Lane and the concerns of the Council’s Arboriculture Officer in respect of trees in the vicinity.


Councillor D’Agorne, also addressed the meeting on behalf of the Calling In members. He circulated photographs of ‘elephants feet’ line markings, which Officers had previously supported, to delineate the road junction however Officers had subsequently confirmed that these could not be used on safety grounds. He therefore requested Members to support an amendment to the scheme to allow consideration to be given to the use of prominent markings to ensure a safe cycle route and crossing of Jockey Lane.


The Assistant Director, Transport, Highways and Waste, confirmed  that the Cabinet Member had been aware that a Safety Audit was due to be carried out on the scheme proposals, the results of which had been reported at his Decision Session. However, as this had raised some issues which required changes to the scheme layout, the Cabinet Member had delegated authority to the Director to consider the audit and approve any necessary alterations to the scheme. With regard to the Ward Members comments on additional road surfacing it was confirmed that there were proposals, to upgrade the access road to the community stadium and that consideration could be given to resurfacing Jockey Lane, if necessary, at that time. The suggested right hand turn had also been discussed however, owing to a lack of space in which to introduce a right hand lane a significant amount of work would need to be undertaken therefore with the associated cost implications this had not been pursued.  In relation to the provision of measures across the two accesses on the south side of Jockey Lane, the design had included ‘elephant’s feet’ markings to imply cyclists had priority across the mouths of the accesses. However concerns had subsequently been raised, in the safety audit, as to the effect of the arrangements for site lines for vehicles exiting the accesses.


Cllr Hyman referred to a letter received by Ward Members on behalf of Greenwich Leisure Ltd, regarding future proposals for the community stadium which also included proposals for a number of additional transport measures in the area including Jockey Lane and Kathryn Avenue.


In answer to Members questions, Officers confirmed that usual off-road cycle routes would cross a side road via a set back raised table, however as there would be insufficient room their preferred option was to provide give way markings for cyclists with signs to advise motorists.


Members discussed in detail the various issues affecting this scheme and in view of these and the notification received in respect of the transport measure proposed in relation to the community stadium it was  


Resolved:           That Option B be approved and that the decision of the Cabinet Member be referred back with a recommendation that Cabinet considers the issues raised by the Calling-In Members, in relation to the Jockey Lane scheme, as part of the wider Community Stadium project.



Reason:              In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution.



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