Agenda item

Former Terrys Factory Site, Bishopthorpe Road, York (14/01716/FULM)

A major full application for the erection of 240 dwellings comprising 79 houses and 161 apartments in six blocks with associated infrastructure (Phase 2). [Micklegate Ward] [Site Visit]




Consideration was given to an application by David Wilson Homes for the re-development of the remainder of the northern part of the site for the erection of 240 dwellings comprising of 79 houses and 161 apartments in six blocks with associated infrastructure.


Officers provided updates to the committee report as follows (also attached to the online agenda for this meeting):

·        The Local Authorities Landscape Architect has no objections to the scheme providing adequate measures are put in place to secure the root protection area of the trees to be retained.

·        Paragraph 5.2 of the committee report should read “statutory duty” instead of “presumption” and Section 72 of the Act “satisfied” rather than “secured”.

·        Condition 28 should read “The detailed scheme shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and fully implemented before each building is first occupied”.

·        The content of condition 30 duplicates the requirements of condition 23 in respect of  a Construction Environmental Management Plan and therefore condition 30 can be dispensed with.

·        Paragraph 5.3 should be amended to read “£36,640 for sustainable transport contributions”.

·        Paragraphs 1.1 and 5.1  should be amended to read “229 dwellings with 79 houses and 150 apartments.”

·        A briefing note regarding the height of the apartment blocks was also circulated which detailed the work carried out by Officers who were now satisfied that the heights proposed would not harm the immediate setting or views of the clocktower, nor affect the characteristic outline of the factory buildings.


Members questioned Officers on a number of points, in particular the issue of density and heights of the apartment blocks. Officers confirmed that none of the buildings in the scheme would be any higher than what was proposed in the outline application.


Tina Fowler had registered to speak as a Local Resident. She raised concerns about the number of trees being felled at the site despite the developer stating that tree felling would be limited.


Mr Huggins had registered to speak as a Local Resident. He raised concerns about the visual impact and the impact on residential amenity. He referred to the plans submitted by the developer which, in his opinion, lacked detail.


Eamonn Keogh had registered to speak on behalf of David Wilson homes. He advised that the application was a continuation of phase 1 of the scheme. Following concerns being raised about the heights of the apartment blocks steps had been taken to reduce the impact such as a reduction in height and the use of landscaping and bunds.


Members entered debate and commented that although it was acknowledged that the development would affect properties around it, members were satisfied that the developer had gone as far as possible to alleviate concerns.



Resolved:           That the application be deferred pending the section 106 agreement and grant delegated authority to approve on completion of the section 106 agreement, subject to the conditions outlined in the Officers report.


Reason:              The proposals would lead to the reuse of a significant site of wider townscape importance for the City for housing, partially fulfilling targets for housing provision emphasised in the National Planning Policy Framework.  The amended proposals  deal with concerns in respect of the relationship of the proposed apartment blocks to the setting of the retained Listed factory buildings in the southern section of the site and the impact of the proposed apartment blocks on the visual amenity of the wider street scene. The setting of the Terry’s /Racecourse Conservation Area is safeguarded and the statutory presumption contained within Section 72 of the Act secured. No further material loss of mature landscaping around the site boundaries is envisaged.


. The applicant has submitted a draft Section 106 Agreement  to cover affordable housing, off-site open space provision (£275,976), provision of additional educational places in the locality (£750,008 ) and sustainable transport measures  (£15,300) based on the adopted formulae used for calculation This is felt to be acceptable although negotiations are on-going in respect of the precise mix of units to be offered in respect of affordable housing. Overall the proposal is felt to be acceptable in planning terms and approval is recommended.



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