Agenda item

Land to the South of Yorwaste, Harewood Whin, Tinker Lane, Rufforth, York. (13/00041/FULM).

A major full application for the construction of a material recovery facility and waste transfer station including associated weighbridge and office facilities, concrete hardstandings, car parking, visual and acoustic screens, access roads and lighting. [Rural West York] [Site Visit].



Consideration was given to an application by Yorwaste Ltd for the construction of a material recovery facility and waste transfer station including associated weighbridge and office facilities, concrete hardstandings, car parking, visual and acoustic screens, access roads and lighting.


Officers introduced the report and Members questioned a number of points as follows:

·        The reason for the difference in timings between the working hours and the site construction hours conditions. Officers confirmed that the timings were different to take into account that the site work takes place indoors and the construction work outdoors.

·        Whether any alternative sites had been considered. It was confirmed the applicant had looked for another site but had found none suitable within the York area.

·        The monitoring of noise and the repercussions if conditions are not adhered to. Officers confirmed that monthly reports are received and if there are problems, the Council’s planning enforcement team can investigate or the Environmental Protection Unit.


Mr Rollings, a local resident on behalf of Rufforth and Knapton Action Group, raised objections to the proposed expansion of the site and advised that the proposal was not just an extension but another large factory within the Green Belt. He referred to a commitment made to Rufforth Village at the time the original site was proposed which stated that no further buildings would be put on the site. He queried why Northminster Business Park had not been considered as a suitable site.


Steven Grieve had registered to speak on behalf of Yorwaste. He advised that Yorwaste had successfully managed the site for 30 years, but in recent times there had been a significant increase in the amount of recycling in the city which meant that new facilities were now required. He advised that since 2011, Yorwaste had consulted with Rufforth and Knapton Parish Council on 6 separate occasions on plans for the site. The site is considered the best location. The impact on the Green Belt would be mitigated by the landscaping. In relation to the traffic issues he advised that Yorwaste had been willing to support alterations on the highway to stop  vehicles turning into Rufforth but the Council’s highway officers had not considered it necessary. CCTV had however been installed at the entrance  to monitor the number of right turns from the site towards Rufforth, with the intention of raising the matter with Highways if there was evidence of right turns being made despite the signage and instruction from Yorwaste.


Colin Valentine had registered to speak on behalf of Rufforth and Knapton Parish Council. He queried whether Northminster Business Park had been considered and suggested the application be deferred to consider other sites.


Councillor Steward had registered to speak as Ward Member. He supported the views of the residents that opposed the development but acknowledged that it was a tough decision as there are no other suitable sites for such a facility. He stated that it was inappropriate development in the Green Belt for which no  Very Special Circumstances had been given by the applicant. He also raised concerns about transport issues.


Members questioned the speakers on a number of points as follows:

·        The suggestion that Northminster Business Park may be a suitable site despite it being located much closer to Knapton than the current site is to Rufforth. It was confirmed that Yorwaste do not own the Northminster site and any designation of the site in the Local Plan was yet to be consulted upon.

·        It was confirmed there had been no noise complaints from the Yorwaste facility at Hessay.

·        Officers confirmed it would be unreasonable to defer the application on highways grounds given that the Highway Authority had indicated they were happy with the application.


Councillor Warters moved deferral to consider further the provision of highway works to stop vehicles turning into Rufforth and Councillor D’Agorne seconded.


Councillor Horton moved as an amendment that the application be approved as set out in the Officers report  and this was seconded by Councillor Firth. When put to the vote the amendment was carried.


Councillor D’Agorne moved that the application be approved subject to additional conditions to restrict outdoor activity to 20:00 and to stop vehicles turning right into Rufforth. Councillor McIlveen seconded these. When put to the vote this amendment was lost.


The substantive motion to approve as set out in the officers report, when put to the vote, was carried.


Councillor Warters asked that his vote against approval be recorded in the minutes.


Resolved:  That the application be deferred for referral to the Secretary of State with delegated authority to approve on completion of a Section 106 agreement.


Reason:     The application for the erection of a domestic materials recycling facility (MRF) and waste transfer station is subject to Environmental Impact Assessment under Schedule 2 of the 2011 Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations. It is accepted that the proposal is inappropriate development within the Green Belt. A case for "Very Special Circumstances" based upon co-location of waste management facilities as supported by Central Government Planning Policy in the National Planning Policy Statement on Waste has been put forward. This is on balance felt to be acceptable. Concern has also been raised in respect of the consideration of alternative sites. However  it is not clear that the suggested alternative site at Northminster Business Park can be delivered within the required timescale. It is considered  that subject to noise and odour mitigation schemes and the landscaping and other mitigation measures offered by the application, the proposal is acceptable in all other respects and approval is recommended.


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