Agenda item

The Memorial Hall, 16 The Village, Haxby, York. YO32 3HT (14/01982/FUL)

Alterations and extension of village hall to include single storey side and two storey rear extensions and change of use of no. 14 The Village to form library and seminar rooms, erection of 5 no. craft workshops to rear of 66 North Lane and 3no. dwellings (use class C3) between 66 and 68 North Lane (resubmission). [Haxby and Wigginton] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Haxby Town Council for alterations and extension of village hall to include single storey side and two storey rear extensions and change of use of no. 14 The Village to form library and seminar rooms, and 3no. dwellings (use Class C3) between 66 and 68 North Lane (resubmission).


In their update to Members Officers reported that in respect of the relationship of the proposed Library Extension with 12 The Village, the existing boundary treatment consisted of a mix of 1.2 metre brick wall, 1.8 metre high hedge and 1.8 metre high close boarded timber fence. An access path had been proposed for maintenance purposes along the eastern elevation of the proposed extension.  The important section in terms of potential impact upon the residential amenity of the neighbouring property related to the rear north eastern section where any overlooking would be effectively mitigated by the proximity of the close boarded fence at the boundary.


They also commented that the application site was a building of significant townscape merit within the Haxby Conservation Area but not individually Listed. Section 72 of the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation) Act laid out a  requirement to give special attention to the desirability of  preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area.


Representations were received from Chris Moss, the treasurer for Haxby Memorial Hall. He reported that the layout of the current hall was not flexible, in that there had been an increase in the number of larger bookings, and therefore the need for a larger hall. The trustees of the hall were particularly happy about the move of the library as they felt it would increase its use by the public. He clarified that the other houses at the end of the application site would be for rent, the new meeting room would be available for hire and that the building at the North Lane end would be used for storage.


Representations were received from Councillor Richardson the Ward Member. He expressed his support for the application and stated that it would provide a public hub and better facilities for Haxby.


Some Members felt that the application was particularly imaginative and would provide a local employment opportunity through the provision for a craft unit.


Resolved:  That the application be approved subject to a Section 106 agreement.


Reason:    The proposed extensions would be sympathetic to the existing in terms of their pattern of scale and massing and would secure the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. At the same time the proposed dwellings accessible from North Lane and the craft units would be to a subtle traditional design. It is felt that the proposed work would have a minimal impact upon the residential amenity of the adjoining properties and surface water drainage can be improved from the current situation. A commuted sum of £2508 is required in lieu of the provision of open space and a sum of £500 in respect of improvements to the adjacent bus stop which may be secured against a Unilateral Obligation. The proposal is therefore felt to be acceptable in planning terms.

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