Agenda item

Brook House, Main Street, Elvington, York. YO41 4AA (14/01720/FUL)

Erection of two storey dwelling with detached garage (resubmission) [Wheldrake] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Mr and Mrs J Benson for the erection of a two storey dwelling with a detached garage (resubmission).


Officers informed Members in an update to their report that;


·        In addition to the 2009 refusal outlined in section 1.4 of the report a planning application was submitted for a new dwelling and garage in May 2014 (14/01084/FUL). The application was withdrawn in July 2014. This scheme had a larger footprint and was taller than the current proposal.

·        That an addition should be made to paragraph 4.11 in that Section 72 of the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation) Act contains a general duty to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character of appearance of the area.

·        No further correspondence had been received since the writing of the report.


Questions from Members related to the trees on the site. In response Officers stated that there would be provision for replanting of trees at the front of the property. However, they felt that this would not adequately replace those which would be lost.


Representations in support were received from the applicant, Fiona Benson. She explained that following advice from Officers she had reduced the footprint of the proposed house and the eaves and height. She felt that these measures would keep the house hidden from view. She added that the trees that were currently on the site had a limited useful lifespan and that by leaving the site overgrown this would have a detrimental effect on the adjacent village hall.


In response to a Member’s question, the applicant responded that the sycamore tree would be removed from the site but that there would be additional trees planted as a replacement. The trees that overhung the village hall would have to be removed on safety grounds.


Representations were received from the Chair of Elvington Parish Council. He informed the Committee that the land plot on which the proposed building would be constructed had in his view become an untidy piece of wasteland. He stated that the Parish Council supported the application because they felt its design and landscaping would enhance the village.


During discussion some Members felt that the land on which the development would not detract from the Conservation Area. Others felt that the trees on the site needed management, for example the sycamore tree in particular damaged foundations.


Councillor Watt moved approval of the application, Councillor Douglas seconded this.


On being put to the vote this motion was lost.


Resolved:  That the application be refused.


Reason:     The landscaped and treed character of the application site and its immediate surroundings is important in providing an attractive natural backdrop to the village hall and also in terms of forming part of the intact landscaped approach to the heart of the village. It is not considered that the proposed dwelling could reasonably co-exist with significant planting within and around the site and as such the introduction of the building would detract from the appearance of Elvington Conservation area. The proposal therefore conflicts with Policies GP1 (criterion a and e) H4a (criterion d), HE2, HE3 and NE1 (criterion a) of the City of York Draft Local Plan (Fourth Set of Changes) 2005 and advice in chapter 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

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