Agenda item

Public Participation

It is at this point in the meeting that members of the public who have registered to speak can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Thursday 25 September 2014.  Members of the public can speak on agenda items or matters within the remit of the committee.


To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda.


Filming, Recording or Webcasting Meetings

Please note this meeting may be filmed and webcast or audio recorded and that includes any registered public speakers, who have given their permission.  The broadcast can be viewed at  or,if sound recorded, this will be uploaded onto the Council’s website following the meeting.


Residents are welcome to photograph, film or record Councillors and Officers at all meetings open to the press and public. This includes the use of social media reporting, i.e. tweeting.  Anyone wishing to film, record or take photos at any public meeting should contact the Democracy Officer (whose contact details are at the foot of this agenda) in advance of the meeting.


The Council’s protocol on Webcasting, Filming & Recording of Meetings ensures that these practices are carried out in a manner both respectful to the conduct of the meeting and all those present.  It can be viewed at




It was reported that there had been four registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme and that the Cabinet Leader had also requested to speak.


Jason McGill, Chairman of York City Football Club (YCFC) addressed the committee. He explained in detail to the committee what the consequences of delaying the project would be for the club. He stated that the new Community Stadium would provide a sustainable future for the club together with increased commercial opportunities which would not just benefit the professional sports teams but also the wider community.


Frank Ormston, Chair of York Minstermen, one of York City’s supporters’ groups, addressed the committee. He stressed that the new stadium was a necessity for the survival of the football club which would give it the chance it needed to survive and prosper and remain as a community asset for generations to come. He expressed the view that the new, well planned and sustainable stadium would provide a viable home for both professional sports clubs and would help propel professional sport in the city in the future.


Fiona Evans spoke on behalf of Yearsley Pool Action Group (YPAG). She stated that the proposals threatened not only the future of Yearsley Pool but also had potentially damaging consequences for the future provision of water sports and fitness swimming across the entire city and region. She expressed concerns that the decision had been rushed through without the necessary consultation with user groups and without accurate and relevant information being provided to councillors and the wider public.  She stressed the enormous health, safety and sporting benefits the large pool provided to the community and the hope that it would be preserved for the well being of future generations.


Patrick Crowley, Chief Executive of the York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust addressed the committee.  He stated that the new stadium and community hub would allow the hospital to deliver services, both independently and in partnership with York St John University and City of York Council as well as providing training and development opportunities. Expertise and costs could be shared as partnership arrangements extended to the public sector and other community focused organisations in and around the city. The new complex would enable the delivery of health related services in an integrated way, in a high quality and modern venue and in an accessible location.


Councillor Alexander, Cabinet Leader, responded in detail to concerns which had been raised. He advised that the community facilities would provide a community destination residents could be proud of and they would create the financial viability for the stadium to operate and be self sustainable. With regard to the future of Yearsley Pool, he had advised YPAG and publically that there were no plans to close this pool, but that a review would take place and the council would work with the community and Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) to reduce the ongoing public subsidy. As part of the detailed planning application, there would be an impact assessment on the city centre. The business plan has been shared with opposition members and due diligence over the bids had been carried out by the Director of Finance. He advised the Committee that John Guildford of York City Knights had now written to the Council and agreed terms and indicated that he was prepared to sign the deal.


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