Agenda item

Safeguarding Children - Verbal Update.

A representative of the Safeguarding Children Board will be in attendance to speak to committee members to highlight the work of that team and how it relates to licensing.



Members received a presentation from the Safeguarding Advisor on Child Sexual Exploitation and how it related to the Gambling Licensing & Regulatory Committee.


The Safeguarding Advisor informed Members that child sexual abuse (CSA) was the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she did not fully comprehend, was unable to give informed consent to, or for which the child was not developmentally prepared, or  that violates the laws or social taboos of society. She explained that Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) was a form of sexual abuse that involved manipulating or forcing a young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity through fear, physical coercion or in exchange for things such as money, gifts, accommodation, affection or status.


She discussed a number of vulnerabilities that some children may be involved in that could lead to CSE and how recognising these issues early could help minimise the risk. She confirmed that practitioners were trained to distinguish certain indicators should they think a young person was at increased risk.


The types of venues young people could be sexually exploited were discussed and how these venues, hotels, pubs/bars/clubs, taxi ranks and restaurants could have contact with the Gambling Licensing & Regulatory Committee. The officer went on to highlight a selection of serious cases that had been reported in other Local Authority areas.


In answer to Members questions it was confirmed that:

·        Wenlock Terrace children’s home had regular contact with the Council including the Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Young People, who visited and received reports on a regular basis.

·        Youth Workers were decreasing but officers would continue to fill those gaps and work would continue with as many people as possible including Castlegate, the Youth Offending Team, Neighbourhood workers, Foster Carers, Wenlock Terrace, North Yorkshire Police and the Front Door.

·        church groups were also being trained and were made aware of CSE.

·        a briefing session for all Councillors was being arranged to ensure everyone was aware of CSE.

·        the Corporate Parenting Board, School Governors and the Youth Council were actively involved in these issues.


The advisor concluded to say that she was exploring a free campaign, developed by the Children’s Society and the National Working Group, which would allow her to adapt a training course to highlight CSE. These training sessions could help staff in the leisure and hospitality trade identify and respond to any concerns they see on their premises.


Members agreed that working together was vital to prevent, identify and respond to any form of sexual abuse or exploitation as early as possible. They expressed a significant interest in raising awareness and agreed how beneficial it would be to educate private providers and local businesses including, taxi companies, fast food outlets and local hospitality providers. The Licensing Manager stated that York used to have a Hotel Watch Group and she agreed to investigate if this group was still in operation.1


Members understood that they needed to be very vigilant in their approach and must consider the best options available to encourage individuals and businesses to commit.  Suggestions made were CCTV in taxis or introducing the training as a policy.


The Licensing Manager agreed to raise these issues and consult with the North Yorkshire Licensing Group on 22 October 2014, the Taxi Association in November and a representative from the North Yorkshire Police.2 She also agreed to contact Liverpool City Council to see how CCTV in taxis was introduced.3


Members thanked officers for their report and welcomed an update at a future meeting.


Resolved:  (i)      That the presentation be noted.

(ii)      That the following be contacted by the Licensing Manager:

·        The Hotel Watch Group

·        North Yorkshire Licensing Group

·        The Taxi Association

·        North Yorkshire Police

·        Liverpool City Council


Reason: To allow Members to be fully informed on the key issues affecting children’s safeguarding in York.



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