Agenda item

Entrepreneurship in York Schools

This report provides additional information in support of the agreed review on Entrepreneurship in York Schools, and asks the Task Group to identify and agree a workplan for the review.


Members questioned the lengthy Task Group title and agreed Entrepreneurship in York Schools was more appropriate.


Members considered a report that provided additional information in support of the agreed review on Entrepreneurship in York Schools.


The Task Group thanked officers for the information they had received and highlighted certain areas of the report and annexes including the definitions of entrepreneurship and the behaviours of an entrepreneur. Members discussed how individuals had the aptitude to turn an idea into an action and the meaning of entrepreneurship in education, in particular, how teachers would be trained with the right skills, knowledge and attitudes to be able to provide their students with the correct support.


Members were keen to explore what was currently happening in York Primary Schools and how this developed in Secondary Schools. It was agreed that discussions with some of Ofsteds good practice example schools, Kirklees, Queens Park Community, St Mary’s Catholic Primary and Manchester Academy would be beneficial.  Officers suggested that Ofsted reports and prospectus’ for these schools should be viewed and Members also agreed that comparisons with Independent Schools would be useful.


To gain a better understanding on developing an entrepreneur the Task Group agreed they should meet a selection of local entrepreneurs and organisations that currently offered business engagement support to schools.


Members noted Lord Young’s report and felt this review could conclude with a new pilot scheme, similar to the ‘Fiver Challenge’, that local entrepreneurs could support.


After lengthy discussions it was agreed:



                                         i.    That the name of the Task Group be changed to Entrepreneurship in York Schools.

                                        ii.    That an update on Teacher Training be received at the next meeting.

                                       iii.    That Ofsted reports and prospectus for Kirklees, Queens Park Community, St Mary’s Catholic Primary and Manchester Academy school be received.

                                      iv.    That a selection of Best Practice Schools be contacted and maybe visited.

                                       v.    That an update on the Local Enterprise Partnership Strategy regarding entrepreneurial skills be received at the next meeting.

                                      vi.    That various suitable organisations such as NYBEP, Chamber of Commerce, Science City York, Children’s University, York Economic Partnership and the Small Business Federation be contacted.

                                     vii.    That Bootham School and Steiner School be contacted.

                                   viii.    That best practice in York be identified.

                                      ix.    That a Pilot scheme be identified.

                                       x.    That the next meeting takes place on Wednesday 17 September at 4:00pm.


Reason: To carry out the review in line with agreed scrutiny procedures and protocols.



Supporting documents:


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