Agenda item

Have Your Say


Residents were invited to raise issues and concerns regarding the ward. The following questions and comments were noted:


a)   A resident asked about traffic congestion, having noticed that traffic through Fishergate was often backed up at Kent Street all the way through into town on some evenings, but was clear on other evenings, and asked what might be the cause of this.  They raised concerns about the pollution caused by slow-moving traffic.  Response was given that this is thought to be related to the “butterfly theory”, whereby a combination of different events causes crunches, and therefore it is difficult to pinpoint a specific cause.  It has been suggested that congestion upon the A19 might be caused by differing lights upon Hospital Fields Road.  It was also stated that the area outside Fishergate School had been identified as a pollution hotspot, and thus the intention was to hold traffic back so that the pollution could lessen before reaching the school.Councillor D’Agorne  stated that, with regards to pollution upon Fulford Road caused by traffic congestion, the intention was to hold traffic back at Naburn Lane with new traffic lights, in order to give a smoother lane to junctions going into York.  Use of Park & Ride was also hoped to be encouraged.  It was also noted that signals at the Broadway junction were not thought to be working at the correct efficiency, and may have been affected by gasworks.  With regard to Fishergate, the intention was to improve pedestrian access, and to model the impact upon the inner ring road.


b)   A resident asked if the traffic was more difficult to control in the evening.

Councillor Taylor  responded that congestion in the afternoon tended to be most difficult, as it is caused by two lots of traffic coming onto one road from two different directions on the inner ring road.


c)   The Broadway junction traffic light issue was noted as something to continue to chase with the Traffic Management Unit.


d)   It was suggested that parking upon the main street of Fulford tended to slow buses, as buses coming from opposite directions would struggle to pass one another.

An explanation was given of the new “Puffin Crossing” designs.  These were supposedly being developed in response to blind and partially sighted pedestrians, and in order to maximise the efficiency of crossing.  Sensors respond to pedestrians crossing, and the lights will remain at red for an extended (but not indefinite) time if they detect a pedestrian is still using the road.  It was noted that there has been little in the way of education to explain this to the general public.

e)   A resident asked if the part of Foss Islands Road crossing Lawrence Street was considered part of Fishergate. The resident specified that she had asked because she found conditions crossing Lawrence Street to be dangerous to cyclists. 

Response was given that it was not – it runs down Lawrence Street coming to Walmgate.  She was told that this would be something to report to the Council, and worth persisting in.

f)    A resident asked if these formal meetings were only to be held once a year. 

It was explained that due to cut-backs, this was indeed the case, however officers will be holding a number of informal meetings throughout the year.


The Chair thanked everybody for attending, and announced that an informal meeting would be held in autumn.



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