Agenda item

Attendance of the Leader of the Council

The Leader of the Council will be in attendance to give a verbal report on the priorities within his portfolio area.


The Leader of the Council attended the meeting and gave a verbal report on the priorities within his portfolio area.


His verbal report gave comments on the following;


·        Unemployment figures.

·        Apprenticeships figures.

·        Transport funding-infrastructure, travel costs, the role of the Combined Authority.

·        Digital Infrastructure.

·        Medium sized businesses in the city.


Unemployment Figures


It was reported that the current unemployment figure in the city for those claiming Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) was 1.7% . This was compared to a figure of 1.5% in August 2008. Although York had the second lowest figures of those on JSA nationally, and the second lowest youth unemployment figures, the Leader felt this could be improved.


Apprenticeship Figures


Although creation of apprenticeships had been good in the city, there was still a concern that 50% of these were going to apprentices who did not live in York. It was hoped that a business rates relief package could be created to encourage companies to take on more apprentices.


Transport Funding


The Leader felt that York had an opportunity to gain large scale transport funding through its membership of the Combined Authority. For example the funding might allow for subsidised travel on public transport, and in conjunction with the Credit Union, employees might be able to get a year long repayable travel pass. If the issue of public transport was not addressed then young people could leave and the city could be in decline.


Digital Infrastructure


It was reported that York would be the first place in the country to have a gigabit connection and that the Leader had asked for a digital conference to be held in York to encourage external businesses to relocate to the city. Wi-fi in the city centre would be available by July and the Government’s Super Connected Cities had funded this. The Leader made further comments on e-commerce within the city and how use of this could combat the city’s low export levels.


Medium sized businesses


It was reported that available employment sites were being identified through the Local Plan. However, there were still issues with catering for medium sized businesses through the city’s building stock. Suitable sized buildings were often used for housing developments rather than for business use.


Questions and concerns from Members included;


·        That many York residents travelled outside the city  to find work, and how could the right training be provided so jobs offered in the city could be expanded?

·        The remote nature from the electorate of decisions made by the Combined Authority.

·        That although the Local Plan focused on inward investment and housing there did not appear to be a strategy in terms of public and sustainable transport to avoid congestion issues.

·        Development around the periphery of the city would be more difficult to provide with public transport services.


The Leader responded;


·        He wanted more localised skills funding and for collaborative working with businesses to decide where that funding should go.

·        He would like to have an element of University funding to go through the Local Economic Partnership (LEP), who would commission funding of business.

·        He felt that most people would focus on the outcomes from the work of the Combined Authority, not its governance structures. However, there was a scrutiny function and a Monitoring Officer for the Combined Authority.


Resolved:  That the verbal report be noted.


Reason:     In order to keep Members informed.


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