Agenda item

Have Your Say


Q.The traffic lights on Poppleton Road at the junction of Tisbury Road are on the brow of a hill which impairs the line of vision for traffic turning right.

A.Kristina will report this to the Transport Planning Unit


Q.New markings for the bus lane on Poppleton Road.  The traffic lights remain green for only a short time and the red light is not turning at the right time and is therefore slowing traffic.

A.  Kristina will report this to the Transport Planning Unit


Q.The zebra crossing in the centre of Acomb have lights telling you when to cross.  How can a blind person be expected to know when to cross.

A.  There is a small knob that vibrates at pelican crossings that visually impaired people can use. 


Q. Why are we charged a £10 fee (per 200 kilos) to drop off rubble, plasterboard or paving slabs at James Street depot, is this just to make money? 

A.  Councillors will ask the cabinet member why there is a charge.


Q. Can’t firms be asked if they wish to put a skip for rubbish there and then take it away?

A.  Good idea but will not work as it would not be filled with just rubble but other peoples’ rubbish.


Q. Why don’t the council recycle polystyrene?

A.Only so much rubbish can be recycled and companies may not be in place that can do this.


Q.In respect of school parking there are a lot of problems with parking on both sides Hamilton Drive causing difficulties for buses.

A.This was a problem in the Leeman Road area and the answer was to paint single yellow lines which stopped parking between 9.00am and 4.30pm. However the parking problem just moved to the next street. It was also a problem for residents who could not park their cars on the street between these hours unless they had residents parking tickets which cost £100 per annum. 


Q. Can the council stop people parking on grass verges?

A. No, the council has no powers to stop people parking on grass verges unless there are double yellow lines. Provided a wheelchair and pram can get past and they are not blocking the pathway we are unable to prevent this. Should there be any damage caused by parking on grass verges and it can be proved who has caused the damage the people responsible could be asked to make it good. This is an ongoing problem.


Q.Lighting on Hamilton Drive is only down one side of the street. There are white markings on some of the pavements and people putting white markings on stones and kerbs as it is very dark.

A.The street lighting on Hamilton Drive has not been changed. Our understanding is that whitewashed stones are used as markers to stop parking which is not a good idea as the people who have placed the markers could be held responsible for any vehicle damage they cause.


Q.The footbridge from Love Lane to Boroughbridge Road is very dark. There are lights at either end but nothing on the footbridge which is used by school children and cyclists.  Due to lack of lights this area has become a hotspot for anti social behaviour. The resident has spoken with the Council who says it is the responsibility of Network Rail. Network Rail say it is the responsibility of the Council.

A.All the footbridges over the railway, and their maintenance, are definitely the responsibility of Network Rail. We can approach Network Rail and raise this with them asking them to address the matter but we cannot force them to do so. We all have responsibility to tell our children where they can and cannot go after dark. Network Rail is not responsible for monitoring our children. We will send a letter setting out the issue of the footbridge asking them to respond to the resident and copy us in on the response.

Cllr Riches said he would raise this with his colleagues in the Micklegate Ward and together we may bring some pressure to bear.


Q. Could Network Rail be invited to the next meeting

A.  We will put this on the next agenda.

Q.How is the flood defence work on Leeman Road progressing.

A.On completion of the work they are obliged to reinstate everything.  They are consulting with the community to see what they would like, for example a children’s play area/memorial garden. Kristina will find out what the latest position regarding this.


Cllr Crisp said there would be a Holgate Community Conference Event on 15th September where residents can come along and showcase projects and ask questions from Cllr Alexander.  The venue is yet to be confirmed but likely to be the Memorial Hall. Kristina to look into this and advertise details of the conference.


Next meeting to be confirmed.



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