Agenda item
Public Participation
At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak, regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the remit of the Working Group, may do so. The deadline for registering is 5.00 pm on Wednesday 16th April 2014 .
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It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Councils’ Public Participation Scheme. There had been 7 registrations to speak on agenda item 4 ‘City of York Local Plan Further Sites Consultation’ as follows:
Professor Alan Bramley advised that he had some concerns regarding sites 219 and 247 and asked that these be set aside from the consultation as he believed there to be factual errors relating to these sites. In particular, the number of hectares for site 219, and the historic character and tree protection order issues for site 247. He advised that he would speak to Officers after the meeting to give them further details.
Mr Peter Heptinstall spoke to object to the possible use of land at The Stables, Elvington, as a Travelling Show Peoples site. He stated that the land was Green Belt and should not be used as residential or employment use. He also queried if an assessment on the historic setting had been carried out as the land had been retained as part of the setting of the area and any use would destroy the character.
Alan Cawthorne had registered to speak in relation to the Boroughbridge Road area. He advised that while it was clear that each individual site had been carefully assessed, he had concerns about the cumulative impact of a number of sites in what is a small area of York, particularly in relation to the impact on schools and highways.
Steven Patten advised that he was the resident of Knowle Cottage which borders the Old Vinery (site 733). He stated that in isolation the Old Vinery is a small site but it offered a haven for wildlife. In addition he advised that the woodland is a feature of the skyline in the area and should remain. He asked that tree preservation orders be placed on the site to protect it before it is too late.
Nick Holmes spoke as the resident of the Knoll which also borders the Old Vinery site. He advised that he was disappointed that he had learnt about the inclusion of the site in the Local Plan via the York Press. He queried if officers knew of a covenant on the site which had been signed in 1998 which could prevent any building on the site.
Mandy Barker had registered to speak in relation to sites in the Boroughbridge Road area, in particular the RAF houses site. She advised that her family had lived in the area for a long time and had seen many changes which had impacted on schools, roads and other services such as GP’s. She was pleased to note that green space had been given careful consideration and asked that all the sites in the Boroughbridge Road area be considered as a whole.
Jennifer Hubbard, Planning Consultant, spoke to advise that she had noted a number of inconsistencies in the documents that should be resolved as part of the consultation process. She confirmed she would be happy to provide feedback to Officers on the issues she had identified.
Written submissions were received from MM Planning regarding sites at Elvington Airfield and the Designer Outlet Naburn, which were circulated to members prior to the meeting. These were challenging the decision not to include the sites as having potential within the forthcoming consultation. Officers responded to outline the reasons why the sites had not been selected and to advise that the submissions from MM Planning should be dealt with through the consultation.