Agenda item

Briefing Papers on Potential Scrutiny Review Topics

To consider briefing papers on the following potential scrutiny review topics:

·        Universal Credit Local Support Services Framework– Appendix 1

·        Addressing fuel poverty, rising fuel bills and generating and selling localised sustainable energy in York – Appendix 2

·        Local Productivity Levels and High Value Jobs – Appendix 3



Members considered a number of briefing papers on potential scrutiny review topics.


Universal Credit Local Services Framework


The Chair informed the Committee that she had asked for further information on this topic to be undertaken and suggested that this topic be discussed at a future date.


Fuel Poverty/Bulk Buying of Energy


Officers informed Members on current work that was taking place around the issue of fuel poverty. It was noted that Officers were working on an energy map of York and were examining potential areas in which district heating projects could be applied. They added that once projects to generate energy were in place that bodies could be set up to sell electricity locally. It was noted that Local Authorities in Liverpool and Leeds were looking to set up their own energy companies. Members were told that regulations would be changing in 2016 which could give York opportunities to generate a certain amount of energy off site but that perhaps developers could be encouraged to help the Council on other sites.


Discussion took place around the topic. Some Members felt that it was confusing as to what a review should focus on. Others felt that as there were a number of sustainable energy schemes available to help reduce fuel poverty that a survey could be conducted to see what savings had already been achieved.


In relation to the proposed topic, it was suggested that Officers be invited back to the Committee’s meeting in July.


Local Productivity Levels and High Value Jobs


Discussion took place on the topic proposed by Councillor Semlyen. Some Members questioned the value that Members might add by conducting a review into a topic that was already being investigated by Officers. They added that they felt the topic was too broad and there was no reference to supporting existing businesses.




Others felt that there was a benefit to explore the topic as there would not be a resource issue, as work was currently being carried out by the Economic Development Team and that it would give a Task Group a broad scope to look at other issues that affected this such as the Living Wage.


It was suggested that a Task Group be formed to explore the topic and come back to the Committee with a defined scope for a review. Officers suggested that Members might wish to invite the Head of Economic Development to the Task Group’s first meeting.


Resolved:  (i) That the briefing papers on potential scrutiny review topics be noted.


                  (ii) That the topic on Universal Credit be discussed at a later date by the Committee.


                  (iii) That the topic on Fuel Poverty/Bulk Buying of Energy also be discussed by  Members at a later date and that Officers be invited to the Committee’s July meeting in association with this.


                  (iv) That a Task Group be formed to explore the proposed topic around Local Productivity Levels and High Value Jobs.


                  (v)  That the Task Group be composed of the following Members;


·      Councillor Burton

·      Councillor Cuthbertson

·      Councillor Semlyen


Reason:   To enable the Committee to identify a remit for and make a start on scrutiny review in respect of Local Productivity Levels and High Value Jobs.


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