Agenda item

Night-Time Economy Scrutiny Review - Interim Report

This report presents a number of reports in support of the corporate scrutiny review of York’s Night Time Economy  and three scrutiny review final reports from the following Overview & Scrutiny Committees:


              Economic & City Development

              Community Safety


In light of the limited time available to conclude the work on this review, in line with the meeting dates, the Committee are asked to consider identifying a small group of its members to work with the Scrutiny Team to start consolidating the findings and recommendations arising from the reviews completed to date.



Consideration was given to three reports presented in support of the corporate scrutiny review of York’s Night Time Economy. The reports from the following Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s appointed to examine particular aspects of the night time economy were considered:

           Health – to identify the impact of the night-time economy on the Emergency Department at York Hospital at peak times;

           Economic & City Development  – to encourage longer retail opening hours and enhance evening access in and out of the city centre;

           Community Safety – to examine ways to improve the attractiveness and cleanliness of the city centre in the evening

The reports included findings from a ‘Yorkafter5’ survey carried out in support of the review, a report from the Safer York Partnership on the work of their multi-agency task group AVANTE and information on proposals for a new city marketing organisation known as NewCo.


It was noted that the following reports, also in support of the review were scheduled for consideration at the Committee’s 7 April 2014 meeting:

·         Learning & Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee tasked with identifying an improved cultural offer up to 8pm in order to extend the tourist day and encourage more tourists to stay for longer or overnight, with a particular emphasis on families.

·         Report from the Policy, Performance and Innovation Team on their findings and suggestions for the Council’s future policy to improve the city’s night time economy.


The contents of the final reports were then presented to Members:


i)      Night Time Economy Health Review – Final Report


CllrFunnell, as Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee presented the findings and recommendations arising from the scrutiny review completed by the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee in support of the corporate review. She referred to the challenges the night time economy presented from a health standpoint, in particular the peak in violent crime and anti-social behaviour in the city centre in the evening and night. The review had been to work with key partners to identify the relevant issues within the health environment and to suggest measures required in order to address the issues identified.


CllrFunnell drew attention to the key recommendation which had arisen from their review, for further investigation to be undertaken for the introduction of a city centre treatment and recovery centre.

Members questioned the possible set up costs involved in a centre. Officers referred to different models for similar centre’s around the country and to the possible involvement of the local Universities in any proposals.


ii)     Night Time Economy Scrutiny Review (Retail & Transport)


CllrD’Agorne, as one of the Task Group Members, presented the findings and draft recommendations arising from the Economic and City Development Scrutiny Review which had related to retail and transport. He referred to the excellent response received to the online survey and key partner meetings which had helped inform the Task Groups recommendations. 


It was noted that, in light of information gathered, a shopping hub or an area under the same management had been identified as suited to a late night opening offer. With this in mind the Coppergate Shopping Centre, which was not affected by deliveries or refuse collections affecting their frontages, had been suggested.


Officers confirmed recommendations a) to e) of this review were already being investigated by the City Team and that any progress would be reported back.


Members highlighted a number of points in relation to this review including:

·        It had been noted that stalls at the seasonal markets tended to start closing around 4.30pm. It was suggested that stallholders should be encouraged to open later on Fridays/Saturdays.

·        Consistent advertising in relation to late night shopping either to particular days of the week or a more regular offer was considered essential

·        Support of wider infrastructure required to target late night shoppers.


iii)    City Centre Street Cleaning Scrutiny Review – Final Report


The Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods presented the findings and recommendations of the Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committee on behalf of the Chair. The Committee had reviewed City Centre street cleaning and associated issues related to commercial waste presentation.


In relation to the update on the work of Safer York Partnership’s Alcohol and Violence in the Night Time Economy (AVANTE), it was noted that they were to pick up additional work around alcohol and river safety.


With reference to the review recommendations it was confirmed that Officers were in the process of investigating options for presentation of commercial waste for collection and flyer distribution in the city centre.


In answer to questions Officers confirmed the need to tighten up enforcement in relation to commercial waste problems.


Members also highlighted the need to update the authorities licensing policy, prevention of sales of super strength alcohol and support well managed licensed premises.


iv)   NewCo – New City Marketing Organisation


The Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods also outlined details of a new city marketing organisation being developed to build on the way York was promoted as a visitor destination and business location.


As the body was still in the early stages of development  it was confirmed that a further update on NewCo would be brought back to the Committee, following a report to Cabinet, later in the year.


Following further lengthy discussion in relation to the points raised in the ‘YorkAfter5Survey’ it was


Resolved:     i)    That the findings from the three scrutiny reviews completed to date be received and noted.


ii)   That the update reports from AVANTE and NewCo be received and noted.


iii)  That a Task Group comprising of Councillors Galvin, Horton and Runciman be appointed to consider the findings and recommendations arising from the completed reviews in more detail and start consolidating a corporate list of recommendations for presentation to the Committee on 17 April.


iv)   That the final report of the Learning and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to improvements to the cultural offer to extend the tourist day together with the report from the Policy, Performance and Innovation Team, be circulated to the Task Group members as soon as available.


Reason:              To progress the Scrutiny Review in line with CYC Scrutiny procedures and protocols.


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