Agenda item

School Meals Scrutiny Review - Draft Final Report

This draft final report presents all of the information gathered in support of this review together with some draft review conclusions and recommendations.  The Task Group is asked to agree any changes required to the report prior to signing it off for presentation to the full Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee.



Members considered the draft final report that presented all the information gathered in support of this review together with some draft review conclusions and recommendations.


The Chair stated that all the Task Group members had endeavoured to visit the schools they had agreed to but were unable to arrange a date with Burton Green Primary. As this school was not visited it was agreed to remove it from this review.


Members discussed the parental feedback and noted their cost barriers.


Members recognised that:

·        some schools needed to offer a more flexible payment option to enable a more affordable way for parents to pay for meals, particularly for those who may be on a low income.

·        a procurement exercise needed to take place to ensure the best deal for those schools in the Local Authority contract, including any extensions of the current contract with ISS or any new contract the Local Authority enters into in the future.

·        all schools must continue to monitor equalities and inclusion issues to ensure all pupils can participate in each school’s lunchtime arrangements regardless of their disability.


Members considered the overall conclusions listed in the report and agreed to add the following sentence to bullet point 6 in paragraph 67 on page 20, ‘Schools should be able to see an improvement in readiness for learning in the afternoons’.


The Task Group discussed the draft review recommendations on page 21 of the report and agreed that point:

·        ii) should read, The Local Authority should consider whether there is a role for it to act as advisor and or broker/facilitator of innovative arrangements between those schools not in York’s Local Authority contract.

·        iii) includes the words ‘to ensure those on a low income are not excluded’ at the end of the sentence. 

·         iv) should have the fourth ‘school’ word removed.

·        vi) should read, LA to monitor the introduction of free school meals in key stage 1 to look at the impact on primary schools with particular emphasis on space within the kitchen, access to appropriate equipment, the impact on the school day and the possible knock on effects in key stage 2.


In answer to Members questions the officer present confirmed that in readiness for the key stage 1 free school meals uptake:

·        ISS had visited schools to identify what equipment would be required.

·        no building work would be needed at any school.

·        catering providers were looking at staff levels.

·        officers were hoping meal costs would be reduced.


The Scrutiny officer agreed to make the relevant changes to the final draft report that would be presented at the next Learning and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 19 March 2014. 


The Chair thanked everyone for their hard work on this review.


Resolved:  (i)      That the feedback from parents (shown in Annex B) be noted.

                                  (ii) That subject to the agreed amendments the draft final report be agreed.

(iii) That subject to the agreed amendments the review conclusions shown at paragraph 66-69 be agreed.    

(iv)    That subject to the agreed amendments the recommendations show at paragraphs 70 and 71 be agreed.



Reason: To conclude the work on this review in line with scrutiny procedures  and protocols.

Supporting documents:


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