Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Environmental Services

The Cabinet Member for Environmental Services will be in attendance to discuss his priorities and challenges.


The Cabinet Member for Environmental Services was in attendance to discuss his priorities and challenges.  Members were informed of the following issues:

·        The targeted waste minimisation programme and the Smarter York Challenge.

·        A review of the waste strategy was to be undertaken.  Consideration was also being given to the issue of food waste.

·        An advertising campaign would be held linked to the resumption of garden waste collections.  Members noted that very few residents had returned their bins and it was hoped that more residents would subscribe to the collections when the service resumed.  Consideration would also be given to the date at which the collections ceased for the winter in the future.

·        Commercial waste arrangements including the impact on the public realm in the city centre as well as the financial implications.

·        In respect of highways, a more commercial approach was being taken.  Tribute was paid to the work that officers had carried out to generate income.

·        As part of the Carbon Reduction Strategy, consideration was being given to using LED replacements for street lighting.  As well as being brighter and more cost effective, this type of lighting was also better for the environment.

·        In response to the severe winters in previous years and feedback from residents, capital investment in roads and paths had been included in the budget proposals.  It was intended that there would now be a 50:50 allocation between highways and footpaths.  At the request of Members, details were given of the timescales within which officers responded to reports of potholes.

·        Although this winter had been relatively mild, arrangements were in place to ensure that snow wardens were adequately equipped.

·        A revised litter policy was due to be considered at a Cabinet Member Decision Session at the end of the month.  The work to address this issue included education as well as enforcement.  In addition to the community payback arrangements that were in place, the support of local businesses and volunteers would be utilised.  A spring clean would begin in late May to tie in with the Smarter York Challenge.


Referring to the Quarter 2 Finance Monitoring Report that had been considered at the last meeting, Members asked if the situation in respect of the predicted overspend had improved.  The Cabinet Member stated that it had and that the directorate would come in on budget.  Consideration was being given as to how to reduce the overspend in waste, including strategies for waste minimisation.


The Cabinet Member was asked about the situation in respect of Allerton Park.  He stated that officers were looking at ways of putting in place alternative funding arrangements following the Government’s decision on the Private Finance Initiative. He was restricted as to the information that could be disclosed at this stage but would be pleased to attend a future meeting of the committee once the information was in the public domain. 


The Cabinet Member requested that if Members had specific issues that they wished him to look into, these be forwarded to him via email.


The Cabinet Member was thanked for his attendance at the meeting.


Resolved:  That the verbal report from the Cabinet Member for Environmental Services be noted.


Reason:     To ensure that the committee are kept updated on the priorities and challenges for this portfolio area.


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