Agenda item

Fox And Hounds, 39 Top Lane, Copmanthorpe, York, YO23 3UH (13/03099/FULM)

Erection of 3 storey building comprising 28no. later living retirement housing units, communal facilities, landscaping and car parking. [Rural West York Ward] [Site Visit]


Consideration was given to a major full application by McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd for the erection of a 3 storey building comprising 28 later living retirement housing units, communal facilities, landscaping and car parking.


Officers circulated an update to the committee report and advised that following further negotiations, the applicant and officers had agreed a developer contribution of £365,000 which would be split as follows: Affordable Housing (£350,604); Highways (£9000); and Public Open Space (£5396). They informed Members that the highway contribution was sufficient to implement the “real-time” bus information system at the nearby bus stop, however the costs of a Traffic Regulation Order, should waiting restrictions need to be introduced, would not be funded from the development.


Officers advised that the recommendation should be amended to “approve subject to a Section 106 Agreement”.


Officers suggested the following amendments to proposed conditions.


·        Condition 14 -  Amend to require Code for Sustainable Homes level 3-star rather than BREEAM ‘Very Good’.


·        Condition 17 - Amend to include details of the acoustic fence, the glazing of the living room windows and bedroom windows.


·        Condition 5 – Delete as officers are now in receipt of details of cycle parking.


Members questioned what value had been attributed to the Copmanthorpe Village Design Statement (VDS) in coming to the recommendation to approve the application. Officers confirmed they had taken the VDS into account and explained that the site was on a slope therefore the 3 storey building across the site was mitigated by a change in ground levels. They advised Members that in the past planning permission (now lapsed) had been granted for a 3 storey development on the site and officers felt that this was an appropriate location within the village.


Members raised concerns that no condition was included to control working hours during development. Officers advised that this was implied in condition 16 but that Members could add specific hours if they wished.


Mr Chris Butt, the agent for the applicant, had registered to speak in support of the application. He explained that the applicants had been looking for a site in York for a number of years and had identified this site in Copmanthorpe which they felt suited the needs of elderly occupiers. Furthermore the accommodation would meet the profile of the Copmanthorpe’s aging population. The accommodation would comprise a mix of 1 and 2 bed apartments, communal facilities, landscaping and car parking. In response to a question from a member, he confirmed that there would be charging facilities for mobility scooters. Whilst the minimum age of residents would be 60, it was envisaged that the average occupier would be in their late seventies. This age range coincided with a drop off in car ownership.


Members welcomed the extensive consultation which had taken place within the village. They sought assurance that the development would be no higher than that of other properties on Top Lane. The agent advised that the development had been carefully modelled by the architect to ensure a relationship with other nearby buildings but was unable to give a definitive answer but confirmed it would be of similar height to existing properties. Members were happy that it would not be out of context with other buildings.


Members discussed whether there was adequate parking for visitors noting that on street parking on Top Lane was difficult. The agent advised Members that the development would provide three times the level of parking to some similar schemes across the city but assured them that levels of parking would be kept under review


Resolved:           That the application be approved subject to a Section 106 Agreement and subject to the conditions listed in the report, the amended and additional conditions below and the deletion of proposed condition 5.


Amended Condition 14

Prior to the commencement of the development, the developer shall submit for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority an initial Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) Design Stage assessment for the development. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority, this shall indicate that at least the minimum code level 3-star rating will be achieved. This shall be followed by the submission of a CSH Post Construction Stage assessment, and a CSH Final Certificate (issued at post construction stage). These documents shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority after completion and before first occupation of the building. Both documents submitted shall confirm that the code rating agreed in the initial CSH Design Stage assessment has been achieved. 


Reason: In the interests of sustainable development.


Amended Condition 17       

The development hereby approved shall be implemented in full accordance with the submitted Noise Assessment, by SRL Technical Services dated 23rd August 2013:-

·        The Acoustic Fence indicated on Site Plan(drawing no.1919-01-02 REV A) will be a close boarded timber fence(2m in height) to meet requirements of BS8233;

·        Living Room Windows Glazing: 10mm glass, 12mm air cavity, 6mm glass to the northern elevation and 4mm glass,12mm air cavity, 4mm glass in all other elevations.

·        Bedroom Windows Glazing: 10mm glass, 12mm air cavity, 6mm glass to the Northern elevation, 10mm glass, 12mm air cavity, 6.4 mm glass(laminated) to the Southern elevation, and 4mm glass 12mm air cavity, 4mm glass installed in all other elevations.

Reason: To safeguard the amenities of occupants of the development hereby approved and to secure compliance with Policy GP1 of the York Development Control Local Plan.


Additional Condition

The hours of construction, loading or unloading on the site shall be confined to 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 13:00 Saturday and no working on Sundays or public holidays.


Reason: To protect the amenities of adjacent residents.


Reason:              It is felt that the proposed design is acceptable in the context of the site and that no significant adverse impact would be caused to the residential amenity of neighbouring properties. At the same time it is felt that any impact upon the local highway network would be acceptable subject to the payment of the appropriate commuted sum in respect of sustainable transport. The site can be effectively drained and it is felt overall that the development is acceptable providing the requisite commuted payments are given in respect of the provision of affordable housing, open space and sustainable transport.


Supporting documents:


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