Agenda item

37 Towthorpe Road, Haxby, York (06/01825/FUL)


Members considered a full application, submitted by Hogg Builders (York) Ltd, for the erection of 5 detached dwellings to the rear of 37 – 43 Towthorpe Road.

Officers updated that the following paragraph should be substituted for paragraph 4.18 in the report included in the agenda:


4.18 The levels changes on the site relating to the impermeable areas (e.g. dwellings, driveways, patio areas) would be drained into the surface water system. The topographical and site sections submitted do also show there would be some changes to land levels in the remaining permeable areas, with use of retaining walls on plot 3 nearest properties on the Old Coppice. The site is known to have land drainage problems, and run off from ground levels changes on the adjacent Old Coppice development has caused water logging and flooding of the garden to no. 37 Towthorpe Road, part of which falls within the application site. An ombudsmen investigation upheld a complaint against the Council in this respect.

The amended drainage scheme submitted with this application is considered to provide adequately for drainage of increased surface water runoff resulting from the proposed development and to restrict outflow to the receiving watercourse to an acceptable rate. Hence this application provides an opportunity to provide for the drainage of this site.


Officers also updated Members on an additional consultation response from Yorkshire Water, detailed below:


YORKSHIRE WATER: The [foul water] drainage details are not acceptable to Yorkshire Water.


OFFICERS COMMENTS: There is nothing to indicate that foul water connection to the public foul water sewer in New Forge Court cannot be made.  However details of the connection have not yet been provided to the satisfaction of Yorkshire Water. Details of foul water drainage are proposed to be secured by condition 14.


Representations were received in objection to the application by a resident of Old Coppice, representing themselves and other residents. The speaker raised issues regarding the current drainage problems and the fact that the removal of the trees on site would only increase the flooding problems. The erection of five dwellings would worsen the existing flooding.


Representations were received in support of the application from a representative for the applicant.  He stated that they accepted that the current system on the existing development had failed and measures were being taken to resolve the situation. He detailed the action to be taken to address the problem.


Members discussed the drainage of the site and were advised by officers that the proposals put forward in the planning application address all the council’s concerns regarding drainage issues.


Members asked for details regarding the sustainable features of the application, and requested that if the application were to be approved a condition be included to request details of  schemes for collection and use of rainwater.   


Cllr Hall requested that his abstention be recorded.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the report and the following additional condition:  


23. Details of a scheme for the collection and use of rainwater for domestic purposes (including grey water recycling for internal use and rain water storage for external use) shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority before development commences on site. The approved scheme shall be implemented on site before the dwellings hereby approved are first occupied.


Reason: In the interests of sustainable development.

Supporting documents:


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