Agenda item

The Pepsimax Raceway, Kathryn Avenue, Huntington, York (06/01476/FULM)


Members considered a major full application, submitted by Mr I Yeowart, for the change of use of indoor kart track to park and ride car park.

Officers provided an update as detailed below:






Air Quality


Based on the information provided it seems unlikely that the change of use will generate any significant increase in the number of trips made to and from the development site and that the proposed park and ride activity may result in a small decrease in the number of trips made by private car to the railway station.  As roads leading to the railway station are within the Air Quality Management Area any reduction in the number of trips on these roads is supported.  Care must however be taken to ensure that the vehicles used to provide the shuttle service are of an equivalent or better emissions standard than the private vehicles which will be left at Monks Cross.  It is therefore recommended that if the change of use is permitted a condition should be attached requiring any shuttle vehicles making trips into the AQMA to meet as a minimum the Euro III emission standards or better (equates to cars less than 6 years old).  The use of a hybrid or fully electric vehicle would be particularly welcomed.




No problems are anticipated but it is recommended that site operating hours are restricted to 7am to 11pm in line with current late night operations on the site.


Contaminated Land


There are no contaminated land issues associated with this site.




The site lies within a mixed commercial area and is over 120 metres from the nearest dwellings. It is not considered that the development proposed represents a potential harm to the living conditions enjoyed by the occupiers of any dwelling. As such the recommended hours restriction is considered unnecessary and hence does not to meet the tests set out for conditions in Circular 11/95.


An additional condition to secure the use of a lower emissions vehicle for transfers to the railway station is recommended to be attached to any consent. The applicant has written to confirm his agreement to working within the suggested emissions standards.


Condition 6. Vehicles used for the transfer of passengers between a railway station and the site shall conform to Euro III maximum emissions standards as defined by The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations (specifically SI 2000/3197 and SI 2001/1825).


Reason: In the interests of sustainable development and in the interests of air quality.




Further to the committee report, and for the avoidance of doubt, an additional condition is suggested to limit the maximum number and location of vehicles parked at the site to the number of spaces shown on the submitted layout plan, that being 88 total vehicles.


Condition 7. The number of motor vehicles parked shall not exceed 88 in total and parking shall be confined to the 88 parking spaces shown on Drawing Number 587.002 Revision A received 11 September 2006.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of highway safety.


The applicant was present at the meeting to answer any questions from the committee.


Members discussed the issue of where the attendant would park, and were advised that if they were minded to approve this application condition 3 could be amended to include this. Regarding the possible problem of surplus cars, the applicant informed Members that they were considering a taxi collect facility, but this was still in its early staged. Security at the site was discussed and Members were informed that there would be CCTV on site and the site would be locked when not manned. Traffic issues around the area were also discussed, and the loss of a leisure facility in the area.  


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and subject to the following additional and amended conditions:


                                    (iii) The site shall only be used for the parking of cars and motor vehicles for staff and in connection with the use by the occupants of those vehicles of a passenger transfer service between the site and a railway station;


(vi) Vehicles used for the transfer of passengers between a railway station and the site shall conform to Euro III maximum emissions standards as defined by The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations (specifically SI 2000/3197 and SI 2001/1825).


Reason: In the interests of sustainable development and in the interests of air quality.

(vii) The number of motor vehicles parked shall not exceed 88 in total and parking shall be confined to the 88 parking spaces shown on Drawing Number 587.002 Revision A received 11 September 2006.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of highway safety.

Supporting documents:


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