Agenda item

Night Time Economy Scrutiny Review (Retail & Transport)-Draft Final Report

This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Night-Time Economy Scrutiny Review Task Group and asks the Economic & City Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee to agree any required amendments / additions to the report prior to its future presentation at a meeting of the Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee (CSMC).



Members considered a report which presented them with the findings and recommendations of the Night Time Economy Scrutiny Review Task Group and asks them to agree any required amendments/additions to the report prior to its future presentation at a meeting of the Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee.


Two papers were tabled at the meeting. One was a response from the Director of City and Environmental Services to the draft recommendations, as presented in the report. The second provided information on the financial implications associated with draft recommendations (ii) & (iii), which had not been included in the published report. These were both published online after the meeting.


Discussions took place on the recommendations included in the report. Some Members felt that the recommendations towards Park & Ride operators should include a reference to closing times as well as opening times.


In light of the financial implications information given by Officers, and the suggestions made by the Director of City and Environmental Services, the Committee agreed a number of amendments to their draft recommendations (i) – (iv).

In regards to draft recommendations (v) & (vi) about speed limits, Members agreed not to include those two recommendations in their final report as neither fitted with the remit set for the review.  However as they were keen to highlight the problem with the speed of some vehicles in the pedestrianised area in the city centre in the evening,they agreed to include an alternative recommendation that ‘the Corporate & Scrutiny Management Committee note residents’ views relating to transport and pedestrians in the city centre during the evening period’.


Resolved:           (i) That the report be noted.


                            (ii) That Councillor Semlyen be re-appointed to the Night Time Economy (Retail & Transport) Scrutiny Review Task Group following the resignation of Councillor Hyman.


                            (iii) That the recommendations arising from the review, detailed at Paragraph 86 of the Officer’s report be approved.


                            (iv) That Recommendations (v) and (vi) be withdrawn.


                            (v) That an additional Recommendation be added to the final report that the Corporate & Scrutiny Management Committee note residents’ views relating to transport and pedestrians in the city centre during the evening period’


Reason:    To ensure compliance with scrutiny procedures, protocols and the Committee’s work plan.

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