Agenda item

Lendal Bridge Sub-Station Secure Cycle Park Feasibility Study Outcome

This report presents the outcome of the study into whether the former Lendal Bridge Sub-Station is suitable to be converted into a secure cycle parking facility, together with the further information requested by the Executive on 24 October, and details the options available in relation to the building.


RESOLVED: (i)         That a decision on the sale of the building be deferred for up to six months.


REASON:      To enable sources of funding to be investigated to facilitate a secure cycle store on this side of the City, which will contribute to the Corporate Strategy Improvement Statement to increase the use of public and environmentally friendly modes of transport and also meet the objectives identified in the Local Transport Plan.


                        (ii)        That interested parties be invited, individually or in partnership, to explore opportunities for grant funding to finance the capital investment required for the use of this property as a cycle park, including associated and compatible uses.


REASON:      Funding is not available from within Council budgets. No money has been allocated in the LTP Capital Programme to undertake these works and to accommodate them in 2007/08 would require at least half the annual budget, resulting in a loss of other LTP schemes.


                        (iii)       That interested parties be asked to investigate all planning, building and environmental constraints and to incorporate these within a fully developed business plan to satisfy the potential funding bodies and the City of York Council of the scheme’s viability and longevity.


REASON:      To ensure that all aspects of the scheme have been considered and that it will succeed.


                        (iv)       That consideration then be given to leasing the building to an appropriate organisation for the period needed to release the investment funding.


REASON:      To control the use of the building and satisfy the funding bodies.


                        (v)        That progress be monitored regularly during the 6-month period, to ensure that a full and comprehensive report can be brought back to the Executive for a final decision.


REASON:      To ensure that there is no slippage and that the programme is kept on time.


Members considered a report which presented the outcome of the study into the suitability of the former Lendal Bridge Sub-Station into a secure cycle parking facility. The report incorporated the further information requested by Members when they considered this issue at the Executive meeting on 24 October. Additional supplementary information detailing an operating proposal from Bikerescue Project CIC and Officers’ responses to this (Annex D) plus revised options and an alternative recommendation (Annex E) had been circulated after publication of the agenda and made available on the Council’s website.  A further document provided by Bikerescue, outlining potential revenue streams, was circulated at the meeting.


The revised options presented for Members’ consideration were:

Option A – sell the building.

Option B – provided grant funding was available, retain the building and lease it to a cycling organisation on condition they convert the ground floor to a cycle park, with other cycle-related activities.

Option C – as Option B, plus further investigation of the integrity of the roof and options to enable the roof to be accessed from the café.


The original report recommended that Option B be adopted if grant funding could be secured and, if not, that the building be sold.  The alternative recommendation was to defer a decision on the sale of the building for six months, to enable interested parties to investigate potential funding sources and produce a viable business plan.  This would enable Bikerescue, as well as any other interested parties, to develop their proposals further.


It was noted that this item had been called in, so the Executive’s decision would be subject to review unless the calling-in was withdrawn.


RESOLVED: (i)         That a decision on the sale of the building be deferred for up to six months.


REASON:      To enable sources of funding to be investigated to facilitate a secure cycle store on this side of the City, which will contribute to the Corporate Strategy Improvement Statement to increase the use of public and environmentally friendly modes of transport and also meet the objectives identified in the Local Transport Plan.


                        (ii)        That interested parties be invited, individually or in partnership, to explore opportunities for grant funding to finance the capital investment required for the use of this property as a cycle park, including associated and compatible uses.


REASON:      Funding is not available from within Council budgets. No money has been allocated in the LTP Capital Programme to undertake these works and to accommodate them in 2007/08 would require at least half the annual budget, resulting in a loss of other LTP schemes.


                        (iii)       That interested parties be asked to investigate all planning, building and environmental constraints and to incorporate these within a fully developed business plan to satisfy the potential funding bodies and the City of York Council of the scheme’s viability and longevity.


REASON:      To ensure that all aspects of the scheme have been considered and that it will succeed.


                        (iv)       That consideration then be given to leasing the building to an appropriate organisation for the period needed to release the investment funding.


REASON:      To control the use of the building and satisfy the funding bodies.


                        (v)        That progress be monitored regularly during the 6-month period, to ensure that a full and comprehensive report can be brought back to the Executive for a final decision.


REASON:      To ensure that there is no slippage and that the programme is kept on time.

Supporting documents:


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