Agenda item

Rear of The Lindens, Sandy Lane, Stockton on the Forest, York (13/03256/FULM)

Erection of workshop and storage building for steel coils.[Strensall]


Members considered a full major application by Mr J Jackson for the erection of workshop and storage building for steel coils.


An Officer update had been circulated to Members of the Committee prior to the meeting which included additional paragraphs relating to the Green Belt, and additional condition relating to the height of the development and an amendment to the wording of the recommendation. This update was attached to the agenda following the meeting. The agenda was subsequently republished online to include this update.


Discussion between Members took place on the issues raised under Public Participation by Gwen Swinburn.


Some Members felt that a decision on the application should be deferred until proper consultation had taken place, following the updated information circulated by Officers. They felt that there was a definite change to the report, and asked why the additional paragraphs were not included in the original report.


Officers reported that the error had occurred because the site was proposed to be removed from the Green Belt in the Preferred Options Document for the new Local Plan. They added that they would not normally have further public consultation as the application had not changed as a result of its location it was the report to Sub-Committee which had changed. They felt that the consultation would not make a difference to the recommendation given.


The Chair stated that although Officers had made an error in not including the updated paragraphs within their original report, that he felt that the recommendation should not change. 


Members also requested that legal advice be sought from Democratic Services as to whether the Officer’s update should have been published alongside the original report, and if procedures had been followed correctly.


The Assistant Director for Governance and ICT advised Members of the wording of Section 100B (Access to agenda and connected reports) of the Local Government Act 1972. He confirmed that agendas and connected reports should ordinarily be open to inspection five clear days in advance of the meeting. However, the legislation also makes it clear that it does not require copies of any agenda or report to be open to inspection by the public until copies are available to Members of the Council.


Some Members opposed deferring the application to be considered at a later date as they felt that the report talked in terms of the Draft Local Plan, others highlighted the industrial nature of the site.


Resolved:  That the application be approved after referral to the                Secretary of State and with the following additional                      condition;


5. Notwithstanding the information contained on the approved plans, the height of the approved development shall not exceed 7.8 metres, as measured from existing ground level. Before any works commence on the site a means of identifying the existing ground level on the site shall be agreed in writing and any works required to make that ground level accurately during the construction works shall be implemented prior to any disturbance of the existing ground level. Any such physical works or marker shall be retained on site for the duration of the construction works.


Reason:     To safeguard the character of the site and to secure                open character of the Green Belt.


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