Agenda item

The Ruins, 32a Dale Street, York YO23 1AE (13/03275/FUL)

Erection of two storey building comprising of a new dwelling and an extension to 34 Dale Street, and change of use of 32a Dale Street to residential accommodation - Variation/removal of conditions of permission 10/02792/FUL under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. [Micklegate] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Ms Isobel Rhodes Bernays for the erection of a two storey building comprising of a new dwelling and an extension to 34 Dale Street, and change of use of 32a Dale Street to residential accommodation- Variation/removal of conditions of permission 10/027972/FUL under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


In their update to Members, Officers informed the Committee of an error in the report. Condition 2 (The development shall begin no later than 14 March 2013) should be amended to 14 March 2014.


It was questioned if the standard rooflights in 34 Dale Street were installed prior to Dale Street being included in the Central Historic Core Conservation Area in 2011, and if approving the application with the rooflights could set a precedent for other buildings to use standard rooflights in the Conservation Area.


Officers answered that the issue was what was appropriate in its context. Other properties in the terrace had non conservation style rooflights and in the circumstances Officers considered it to be reasonable that the new property had similar style rooflights.  


Representations in support of the application were received from the applicant, Isobel Rhodes-Bernays. She explained to Members that she had used velux rooflights rather than conservation rooflights as they were not visible and were in keeping with the rest of the windows in the building.


In response to questions about why renewable energy sources could not be used on the site. Members were informed that renewable energy sources such as ground and air source heat pumps were not suitable on the site because of a lack of outside space. The roof space that was available was also too narrow for solar panels. The applicant also confirmed that cost considerations also halted the use of renewable energy sources on the site.


During discussion some Members felt that it was strange that the building was sited in the Conservation Area as some of the surrounding buildings had velux windows and dormers, which would not normally be a feature of such an area.


In response to a question from a Member about whether the windows of the proposed side elevation were originally as timber framed, it was reported that timber windows were referenced in original drawings but that it was not a requirement but that it was not a requirement of the planning authority. Officers also highlighted that the  proposed location for the UPVC windows was in the less visible side elevation which was opposite to Council owned flats which all had UPVC windows.


Some Members felt that by approving the application this would change the Conservation Area, and that it might set a precedent in similar cases located in this area. Others felt that the application fitted in with other buildings in the area.


Resolved:  That the application be approved.


Reason:     For the reasons listed in the Officer’s report it is                         reasonable for Conditions 5 (Code for Sustainable                     Homes), 6 (Renewable Energy) and 8 (Drainage                            Details) to be removed and conditions 1 (approved                            plans), 7 (obscure glazing) and 10 (large scale details)             to be varied.         

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