Agenda item

32 Lawrence Street, York (13/03349/FULM)

Demolition of existing car showroom and erection of 3 no. student accommodation buildings comprising of 220 studios with associated external works including freestanding energy building (revised scheme) [Fishergate Ward]



Consideration was given to a major full application by Mr Richard Lockey for the demolition of an existing car showroom and the erection of 3 new student accommodation buildings comprising of 220 studios with associated external works including freestanding energy building (revised scheme).


Officers circulated an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda for the meeting, the main points were as follows:

·        A  new unilateral undertaking for money towards open space facilities had been submitted.

·        The applicant had provided a short statement to give  greater understanding of the particular requirements of the developer.

·        A new sustainability statement has been received. Officers suggested the10% renewable onsite target and the BREEAM Very Good requirements be conditioned.

·        Further comments had been received from the Council’s Conservation Officer, Archaeology Officer and the Environmental Protection Unit.

·        The recommendation to approve be subjectto the receipt of an acceptable plan to cover the repositioning of the Air Source Heat Pumps in agreement with the Council’s Environmental Protection Unit and appropriate conditions to secure further noise insulation, the completion of the section 106 agreement to provide for off site open space and the expiry of the consultation period with delegated authority to officers provided any objections received raise no new issues.


The Architect for the scheme, Richard Lockey, was in attendance. He advised that the development had been marketed and an operator requiring self contained student apartments had been sourced. The schemes target would be to reduce costs and energy by various measures such as solar hot water panels with a BREEAM very good rating. He urged members to support the scheme to enable it to progress.


Members were pleased to note that a management plan for parking would be put in place for the site and following further discussion it was:


Resolved:           That the application be approved subject to no new issues being raised before the end of the reconsultation period and receipt of the satisfactory section 106 unilateral undertaking and   the imposition of the conditions outlined in the committee report and the following amended condition:


Condition 35 - All windows to habitable living spaces (bedrooms and living rooms) at ground floor, first floor and second floor level of Block A, facing Lawrence Street, shall be non-opening to protect future residents from poor air quality along Lawrence Street.  Mechanical ventilation shall be provided to draw clean air from the rear of the building. Prior to the occupation of any unit within block A with a window facing Lawrence Street the developer shall provide a maintenance schedule for such ventilation systems, and clarify responsibility for running costs and maintenance works.


Reason:     To protect the health of future occupants of the proposed development, in an area of poor air quality.


Reason:              The Planning and Environment Team is satisfied that the applicant's needs assessment successfully demonstrates a demand for student housing in accordance with the requirements of policy ED10. Furthermore the Inspector in dealing with an appeal against student housing on this site did not object to the principle of the development.






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