Agenda item

Our Lady's R C Primary School, Windsor Garth, York, YO24 4QWl (13/02892/FULM)

Erection of 56 no. two storey dwellings and associated works.[Westfield Ward]


Consideration was given to a major full application by Mr Joel Owen for the erection of 55 new two storey dwellings and associated works.


Officers circulated an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda for this meeting, the main points were as follows:

·        The proposal has been made subject to a holding Direction from the National Planning Casework Unit to enable the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to assess whether or not to call-in the application for his own determination. A separate notice has been given that the Secretary of State wishes to issue a Screening Direction of his own in respect of the development in relation to the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations.

·        Further letters of objection had been received since the agenda was published.

·        The Kingsway Residents Association continue to express concerns about over development of the site.

·        Continuing concerns had been raised on flood risk.

·        The application was acceptable in terms of affordable housing.

A local resident, Mr. Hudson had registered to speak on the application. He asked that if the application be granted then a condition prohibiting site traffic through adjacent housing estates be added. He advised that something needs to be done to help prevent lengthy disruption to local residents.


Members queried a number of points, in particular the adjustments made to the scheme since its deferral at the last meeting. The Architect for the scheme confirmed that in relation to the fence surrounding the site, it was felt that an open aspect should be retained so a smaller fence would be included in the scheme but still of a sufficient height to prevent ingress and egress. A play area was now also included on the site.


Some Members expressed disappointment at delays to the scheme and following further discussion it was:


Resolved:                     That the application be approved subject to  the Section 106 agreement and the imposition of conditions detailed in the committee report.


Reason:                        Providing adequate arrangements are put in place to safeguard  the boundary of the site with Hob Moor and secured by means of a Section 106 Agreement with additional boundary planting secured by condition, then on-balance  the impact of the scheme is felt to be acceptable. Concern has also been expressed that the proposal would represent an over-development of the site however, the pattern of density whilst tight is reflective of that of the housing development to the north and North West as is the pattern of scale and massing. The standard separation distances can also be complied with.  In terms of the proposed surface water drainage from the site, particularly its relationship to the nearby Local Nature Reserve, if any permission is conditioned to require that any surface water discharges are suitably attenuated and discharged to the existing surface water sewer network then it is felt that an acceptable arrangement can be achieved. There are requirements in terms of commuted sums related to Highway Works and Open Space for £38,024 and overall it is felt that the proposal is acceptable in planning terms and approval is therefore recommended subject to the a legal agreement to secure the contributions.


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