Agenda item

Haymarket Car Park, Dundas Street, York (13/03232/OUTM)

Outline planning application for an office (Use Class B1a) with flexible ground floor uses (A1, D1 or D2), or hotel building (Use Class C1) with access. [Guildhall Ward] [Site Visit]



Consideration was given to an outline planning application by Hiscox for an office use (Use Class B1a) with flexible ground floor uses (A1, D1 or D2), or hotel building (Use Class C1) with access at Haymarket Car Park, Dundas Street, York.


Officers circulated an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda for this meeting. The main points were as follows:

·        Delete condition 4 as landscaping will be addressed in the reserved matters application.

·        Add Highways works conditions.

·        Officers also reported that the weekend hours for deliveries of 9am to 6pm are in line with the rest of the Hungate site and should remain as such, but the weekday delivery times could be varied to 7am to 7pm, as requested by the applicant .


Harry Spawton had registered to speak as the planning agent. He advised that significant pre-application consultation had been carried out and work had been carried out to reduce the size of the building from what was already approved under a previous application. The building would be used as a hotel or office. Consideration had also been given to the proximity of the proposed building to the Black Swan.


Mr King had registered to speak as a local resident. He advised that his property overlooks the proposed building and that it would be too high and too close to his property. He had concerns about the proposals being overbearing and the loss of open space.


In response to Members questions about the mass of the building, Officers confirmed that at the outline stage such details can not be considered.


Members were happy that sufficient information had been provided for the outline application, but asked the applicant to take into account the comments made by local residents.


Resolved:           That the application be approved subject to the imposition of conditions outlined in the Officers report and the following additional conditions:


The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until the following works have been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the works have been carried out in accordance with the approved details -


a) The pedestrian / cycle route through the site

b) The vehicular access onto Black Horse Lane (if applicable)

c) Areas for parking, servicing and manoeuvring of vehicles


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and management, and visual amenity.


The development shall not be occupied until all existing vehicular crossings not shown as being retained on the approved plans have been removed by reinstating the highway to match adjacent levels.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and management, and visual amenity.


Reason:              The proposed development is considered to be appropriate to the setting, considering the layout, massing and public realm enhancements.  The setting would be enhanced and in relation to the approved master plan, there would be no undue additional harm to residential amenity.  The scheme fits with Council aspirations for regeneration of the Hungate area.  The development would be sustainable, meeting local construction requirements, and there would be no undue harm, considering flood risk, highway safety and the impact on archaeology.









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