Agenda item

Haymarket Car Park, Dundas Street, York (13/03302/FULM)

Full planning application for the erection of part-three and part-four storey office building (Use Class B1a) of 6,545 square metres (GEA). New energy centre (49 square metres),landscaping proposals, improvements to public realm and highways, and associated works. [Guildhall Ward][Site Visit]



 Consideration was given to a full planning application by Hiscox for the erection of part-three and part-four storey office building (Use Class B1a) of 6,545 square metres (GEA). New energy centre (49 square metres), landscaping proposals, improvements to public realm and highways, and associated works at Haymarkey Car Park, Dundas Street, York.


Officers circulated an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda for the meeting, details were briefly as follows:

·        Vary Condition 3

·        Add a condition to prevent doors opening on to the public highway.

·        Officers also reported that the weekend hours for deliveries of 9am to 6pm are in line with the rest of the Hungate site and should remain as such, but the weekday delivery times could be varied to 7am to 7pm, as requested by the applicant .


Peter Brown had registered to speak in support of the application on behalf of York Civic Trust. He stated that the Trust was pleased to be able to support the scheme which they considered to be sympathetic and well designed. The building would be a landmark for York and is what the City should be aspiring to for future developments.


Harry Spawton, the agent, and Jason Parker, the architect, had registered to speak in support of the application. They advised that they had addressed the key planning issues and had carried out pre-application consultations which had indicated support for the scheme. A previous application for the site had proposed a higher building and this scheme was also proposing significant improvement to the public realm to provide a ‘gateway’ into the city centre.


Members queried the scheme not meeting the 10% renewable energy target. Officers advised that the measures being taken to meet the  BREEAM excellent rating outweigh the 10% renewable target in this instance and the development was acceptable in terms of sustainable design and construction.


Following further discussion it was:


Resolved:           That the application be approved subject to the imposition of conditions listed in the Officers report and the following amended and additional condition:


Condition 3 (varied)Prior to occupation of the development hereby approved the hard landscaping proposals and highways works, as shown on drawing 2561 17C, shall be implemented (and the existing crossing that will become redundant shall be removed). 


A detailed landscaping/highway scheme (including existing and proposed surfacing materials, vehicular parking and servicing arrangements, and the number, species, height and position of trees and shrubs) shall be approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to completion of construction.  The scheme shall include proposals for the roof areas, following the concept plans established within the submitted design and access statement, and an interim arrangement for the area within the application site where the office/hotel building is proposed, which shall be provided until construction on that site commences. 


The approved scheme shall be implemented within a period of six months of the completion of the development.  Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless alternatives are agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:     In the interests of the highway management, the character and appearance of the area and to enhance biodiversity in accordance with paragraphs 58 and 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework


Additional Condition:

No door or gate shall be fitted so as to open outwards over the adjacent public highway.


Reason:  To prevent obstruction to other highway users.



Reason:              The development of high quality office space at the application site fits with the planned aspirations for this part of Hungate and is therefore welcome. The proposed building is of adequate environmental standards, including achieving BREEAM Excellent and will encourage sustainable travel. The overall development will enhance the area, respecting the setting of nearby listed buildings and archaeology of importance. There will be no undue impact on surrounding, existing or future occupants.






Supporting documents:


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