Agenda item

Askham Bryan College, Askham Fields Lane, Askham Bryan, York, YO23 3PR (13/02946/FULM)

Erection of educational and associated buildings and related parking, circulation areas and landscaping (for animal management centre, farm and equestrian purposes, 2 staff dwellings, animal housing), siting of animal shelters, silos and feed bins, erection of security fencing, formation of external equine training areas including polo field, formation of new access to York Road, reorganisation of existing access and parking areas, formation of ponds, change of use of existing buildings, temporary student accommodation and providing glazed roof to existing quadrangle. [Rural West York Ward][Site visit]  




Consideration was given to a major full application by Askham Bryan College for the erection of educational and associated buildings and related parking, circulation areas and landscaping ( for animal management centre, farm and equestrian purposes, 2 staff dwellings, animal housing), siting of animal shelters, silos and feed bins, erection of security fencing, formation of external equine training areas including polo field, formation of new access to York Road, reorganisation of existing access and parking areas, formation of ponds, change of use of existing buildings, temporary student accommodation and providing glazed roof to existing quadrangle.


Officers provided an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda. The main points were as follows:

·        Environmental Protection Unit have no objections to the revised scheme and have agreed conditions.

·        Public Rights of Way Comments - Request the applicant to divert the public footpath that current crosses the site of the proposed polo pitch.

·        Ramblers Association would prefer the footpath diverted also.

·        Revisions to a number of conditions.


In addition, the Officers also had the following verbal update further to the written update:


Condition 18


The existing buildings (marked as 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 on Drawing Number (0-)91 received 13 December 2013) shall be demolished within 2 months of the transfer of livestock and teaching to the animal management centres hereby approved (AMC1 and AMC2).The parking area to the north of the Animal Management Centre buildings hereby approved shown on the approved plan (Drawing Number (05)01 Revision A received 22 November 2013) edged in purple/brown shall be constructed and laid out in accordance with the approved plans within 2 months of the occupation of the Animal Management Centres, and hereafter such areas shall be retained solely for such purposes.


Condition 28


The first sentence of the condition revised to:


Prior to the occupation of the Animal Management Centres (AMC1 and AMC2) hereby approved, full details of a landscape/habitat creation/restoration scheme for the whole development hereby approved  shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be carried out as approved.


Condition 29


The first sentence of the condition revised to:


Prior to the construction of each building and the re-profiling to create the polo field a Wildlife Protection Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of what reasonable measures are to be taken to reduce/avoid any possible impact on targeted habitats, areas, and species during the construction phase of the each building and the polo field.


Miss Phillips, the Principle of Askham Bryan College, had registered to speak in support of the scheme. She advised that Education is an important part of York’s economy and it was essential that Askham Bryan extends to meet demand as admissions at the College had gone up by 400 on the previous year. She provided information on the specialist areas taught by the college and advised that  there was still a shortage of skilled individuals in some areas of the colleges curriculum.


David Nunns had registered to speak on behalf the Ramblers Association. He advised that views would change considerably for walkers when the buildings are in place and raised concerns about the public footpath affected by the polo field.


Members questioned the registered speaker on a number of aspects of the operation of the college in relation to the application as follows:

·        The requirement for a polo field – it was confirmed that the sport has grown in popularity in recent years and the college has taken on a member of staff who specialises in the teaching of polo.

·        The public footpath located in the area designated for the polo field – it was confirmed that the college was confident it could manage footpath users as well as operating the polo field but would also be willing to look at a diversion of the footpath.

·        Exotic species at the site – it was confirmed that Animal Management is an important part of what the college teaches and high quality accommodation is required to house existing animals and to add new ones.



Resolved:           That the application be approved subject to the imposition of the conditions detailed in the Officers report, the conditions outlined above and the following additional/amended conditions:


Condition 7 - No development, other then the Animal Management Centres (AMC1 and AMC2) shall take place until there has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a detailed landscaping scheme which shall illustrate the number, species, height and position of trees and shrubs initially indicated in Drawing Numbers (05)21 Revision A and (05)01 Revision A received 22 November 2013, Drawing Number (05)35 received 23 August 2013, and Drawing Number 3992 (05)45b 29 November 2013.  The details shall include the period/phasing of the landscaping scheme. This scheme shall be implemented within the agreed timescale.


A detailed landscaping scheme for the Animal Management Centres (AMC1 and AMC2, and the birds of prey centre  initially indicated the aforementioned plans shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and be implemented prior to the occupation of these buildings.


Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of each phase of the approved landscaping scheme die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless alternatives are agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



Condition 8 - Prior to commencement of each building, area of animal enclosures, and the polo field hereby approved an archaeological evaluation in accordance with a detailed methodology (to include geophysical survey, metal detecting, trial trenches, community involvement, analysis, publication and archive deposition) of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

A report of the results of the evaluation following the aforementioned agreed methodology shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority within six weeks of the completion of the field investigation.


Condition 9 - Following the carrying out of the archaeological evaluation on each part of the site required by Condition 8, if the Local Planning Authority so requires, an archaeological excavation of that part of the site shall be carried out before any development is commenced. The excavation shall be carried out in accordance with a detailed methodology (to include trenches, community involvement, post-excavation analysis, publication and archive deposition), which shall first be submitted to and approved in writing by the said Authority. Reasonable access shall be afforded to any Local Planning Authority nominated person who shall be allowed to observe the excavations.  A report on the excavation results shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority within twelve months of the completion of the field investigation

Condition 15 - The specified height of the fence is revised to 2.4 metres.

Condition 16 - The height of the proposed screening  altered to 2.4 metres from 2.5 metres.

Condition 17 - Prior to the first occupation of any building hereby approved a Full Travel Plan shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The travel plan should be developed and implemented in line with local and national guidelines. The development shall thereafter be occupied in accordance with the aims, measures and outcomes


Within 12 months of the occupation of the first building of the development hereby approved a first year travel survey shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Results of yearly travel surveys shall then be submitted annually to the authority's travel plan officer for approval.

of said Travel Plan.

Condition 20 - Prior to their construction, details of the shelters and 'woodland enclosures' within the Wildlife and Conservation Area shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include appearance, scale, siting, and materials. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.


Condition 26 - Prior to the occupation of each building details of any external lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  This scheme shall detail the locations, heights, design and lux of all external lighting associated with that building.   The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved lighting scheme.

Condition 30 - alterations to two parts of the condition - (iv) Additional surface water shall not be connected to any foul / combined sewer, if a suitable surface water sewer is available.


(v) If soakaways are the proposed method of surface water disposal, these shall be shown to work through an appropriate assessment carried out under BRE Digest 365, (preferably carried out in winter), to prove that the ground has sufficient capacity to accept surface water discharge, and to prevent flooding of the surrounding land and the site itself. The tests shall be carried out for each of the proposed buildings, the polo field, and the equestrian centre car park and shall be witnessed by the City of York Council's Flood Risk Management Team.


Reason:              Much of the proposed development is considered to constitute inappropriate development within the Green Belt, and by virtue of the scale and siting of some of the proposed development would impact and cause harm to the openness and visual amenity of the Green Belt. Central Government advice in the NPPF makes it clear that such development should not be approved, except in very special circumstances.  The proposed facilities are required for the college to expand and compete, and improve existing courses, this is supported by local and national planning policy. The proposed college facilities are required in proximity to the current campus and cannot reasonable be sited elsewhere.  It is considered that very special circumstances exist that outweigh the harm to the greenbelt.  Other impacts of the development are considered to be acceptable and in accordance with national and local planning policy and where reasonable and necessary will be mitigated by condition.


Approval is recommended subject to the referral of the application to the Secretary of Stateunder The Town and Country Planning(Consultation) (England) Direction 2009 and  the completion and signing of a Section 106 agreement covering a contribution towards a pedestrian/cycle path and the use of the ionTRAVEL program.










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