Agenda item

Presentations from Partnership Bodies on how they work with partners and how they put together their Annual Plan

The Committee will receive presentations from the following Partnership Bodies on how they work with other partners and also how they put together their Annual Plans:


·        York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

·        The Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (VOYCCG)

·        Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT)

·        Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS)

·        Adult Social Care

·        NHS England






Members received presentations from a number of Partnership Bodies on how they work with other partners and how they put together their Annual Plans.


York Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


It was reported that all work on the Hospital’s strategic plan had to be put through the national sector regulator, Monitor.


York Hospital had formal arrangements with Harrogate and Hull Hospitals through an Alliance Board which met on a six weekly basis. A monitoring board was also in place to monitor York and Scarborough hospitals.


In regards to working with other partners, Members were informed that the Hospital were involved in Adult Social Care through the Transformation Board. The hospital also felt that the non clinical partnerships they had in place with Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust and City of York Council were very important as they enhanced the services that the Hospital provided to the city.


Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (VOYCCG)


Members were told that forthcoming guidance would set out that the CCG would be required to have five year strategic plans and two year operating plans. The guidance would also underline certain themes such as integration, seven day working and building on quality from previous reviews.


It was reported that the CCG worked with two key forums to pull plans together, these were the Integration Transformation Board and the Urgent Care Working Group. This enabled the CCG to take a systematic approach and it was hoped that draft plans would be finalised in February 2014.


In regards to working with other partners, Members were informed that a patient public engagement event and roadshow had taken place around Long Term Conditions. A stakeholder event would also take place in January ahead of the draft plans being finalised in February 2014. The final submission of plans would take place in April 2014.



Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


Members were told that Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust had to submit to Monitor a two year operational plan and five year strategic plan by April and June 2014 respectively.


In regards to partnership working, they also had strategic arrangements with the Universities of York and Leeds at a research and development and teaching levels. City of York Council Social Workers also worked alongside Community Mental Health Teams. In addition, voluntary sector support from the Retreat, had been introduced to provide early intervention for work in mental health in York.


In response to a question about a lack of provision of mental health care in Accident and Emergency Departments, it was noted that Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust had contacted York Hospital and were carrying out joint work with them on liaison psychiatry proposals within the hospital.


Yorkshire Ambulance Service


Members were informed that Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) worked with a number of partners. For instance they ran the 111 Service and so interacted with Urgent Care Centres. As a regional service they worked with five police forces to develop a single approach with clear guidance on how to deal with Section 136 patients. With funding from the CCG, YAS also provided Emergency Care Practitioners (ECP’s) on the streets of York and static medical units. They also worked with the Fire and Rescue Services to provide additional standby support. YAS also provided shifts to military personnel.


Adult Social Care


In respect of Adult Social Care, it was felt that the Health and Wellbeing Board was where partners should be sharing their objectives as certain organisations such as Health Watch and other voluntary sector groups had not been involved in providing an update to the Committee. In regards to planning, Members were told that more work needed to be done on shared assessments, single point of access to services and an overall aim of making social care person centred. It was noted that the Better Care funding helped to provide this.


NHS England


Members were informed that NHS England oversaw eight CCG’s within Yorkshire and also commissioned services that the CCG’s did not such as;


·        Primary Care

·        Armed Forces Healthcare across the North

·        Public Health

·        Healthcare for Prisoners


In regards to partnership working, the direct relationship that NHS England had with local CCGs helped them to build plans around primary care. It was highlighted that the plans were owned by the CCG.


It was noted that NHS England also worked in partnership with local Health and Wellbeing Boards who challenged them over their plans. It was felt that the effectiveness of Health and Wellbeing Boards did vary but that York’s Board was particularly strong. However, difficulties still remained in how NHS England operated as a partner and as a commissioner.


Discussion took place between Members regarding the presentations. It was felt that the success and awareness of the NHS 111 Service was still uncertain, as public awareness of the service remained low. Members also felt that call handlers should ensure that users be sent to the most suitable place to respond to their need.


It was felt that voluntary sector organisations should have been invited to present their plans and their working methods to the Committee so that the sector itself could be shown to be valued by other partners in Healthcare.


Resolved:  That all the presentations be noted.


Reason:    In order to keep the Committee updated of the work of Partnership Bodies and their annual plans.


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