Agenda item

Middleton House, 38 Monkgate, York. YO31 7PD (13/03305/FUL)

Installation of dormer window on south facing roof. [Guildhall] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Mr Philip Thake of York Conservation Trust for the installation of a dormer window on the south facing roof.


Officers advised that Members needed to take a balanced decision on the application, taking into account the extra head height and useable space which would be created in the kitchen by the introduction of the dormer window, but also giving regard to preserving the historic building. Officers acknowledged that while the conservation officer and case officer’s view fell on the side of recommending refusal, planning officers also accepted that as the roof purlin was being retained and moved only 200mm from its original location, in this case it would be an equally reasonable decision for Members to take the view that there was sufficient justification to approve the applications.


Representations were received from Mr Guy Bowyer, the architect, in support of the scheme. He acknowledged that space in the kitchen was currently very tight. He stated that the proposed alterations would enhance the original scheme and create a more useable kitchen with better headroom and more useable width. 


Representations were also received from Mr Philip Thake, the applicant, from York Conservation Trust. He stressed that York Conservation Trust would not do anything to damage the historic building but asked Members to take into account the need to consider the long term agenda for the building. He explained that York Conservation Trust relied on regular returns from short term lets. He explained that small rooms and, in particular, small narrow kitchens were not popular and that their letting agents had advised them to maximise the available space in the building. He told Members that the wider community would benefit from the scheme as the rental income would provide funds which would be used by York Conservation Trust to continue their work to restore and conserve other buildings in the city for the benefit of York residents. The applicant confirmed that a photographic record was being kept of the scheme, as with any all schemes undertaken by York Conservation Trust.


Members acknowledged the need to consider the Local Plan Policy HE4 and National Planning Policy Framework 2012 but agreed that any building needed to flexible enough to meet a variety of uses during its lifetime.

They accepted that the introduction of the dormer window would create more useable space in the kitchen for the benefit of the occupant. They did not believe that a significant heritage argument had been put forward to support refusing the application and agreed that while the benefit was largely private to the occupant of the flat, the proposed amendments would also benefit the wider public through the work of York Conservation Trust.



Resolved:  That the application be approved subject to the relevant conditions to include the standard conditions stipulating that the development must commence within 3 years and must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans. It was noted that large scale drawings of the dormer window had already been received from York Conservation Trust.


Reason:     Members felt that the proposals would result in less than substantial harm to the significance of the listed building and that that the harm was justified by the public benefits of the scheme which included securing the optimum viable use of the building. As such the proposal complied with the requirements of

National Planning Policy Framework. 


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